Android – Poor Man’s “My Location” (Show Current Cell Location)
2010. 4. 21. 20:45
Set up a PhoneIntentReceiver as shown below:
Now the question is how do we get an address information from the cellid/lac/mnc/mcc. The GNUCITIZEN site has a nice tip on how to use the ZoneTag APIfrom Yahoo. So we construct a nice URL with the information entered on screen.
Just Click on the URL above to see the XML that it returns.
Just use the Yahoo GeoCode API. We parse the XML from the previous step, extract the city, state, zip and construct a new URL.
Again just Click on the URL above to see the XML that it returns.
Step #1: Get the Cell-Id, LAC, MCC and MNC from the cell phone
Set up a PhoneIntentReceiver as shown below:
// Set up the handler for receiving events for service state etc. mPhoneStateReceiver = new PhoneStateIntentReceiver(this, new ServiceStateHandler()); mPhoneStateReceiver.notifyServiceState(MY_NOTIFICATION_ID); mPhoneStateReceiver.notifyPhoneCallState(MY_NOTIFICATION_ID); mPhoneStateReceiver.notifySignalStrength(MY_NOTIFICATION_ID); mPhoneStateReceiver.registerIntent();
And the handler snippet is below. Note that he MNC/MCC information is returned by the getOperatorNumeric method.
/** * Notification Handler for Phone events */ private class ServiceStateHandler extends Handler { private boolean updateOnce = false; public void handleMessage(Message msg) { Log.i("LocateMe", "In handleMessage : " + msg.what); switch (msg.what) { case MY_NOTIFICATION_ID: ServiceState state = mPhoneStateReceiver.getServiceState(); notification_cid = state.getCid(); notification_lac = state.getLac(); notification_signal = mPhoneStateReceiver.getSignalStrength(); notifiction_operator_numeric = "" + state.getOperatorNumeric(); if (updateOnce == false) { updateOnce = true; updateTextFields(); } break; } } }
Here’s a screen shot with the default values that you get from the emulator:
Since the default information from emulator is unusable, let’s find something we can use say from this site -
“groovy mother…”
Here’s a screen shot:
Step #2: Convert the Cell information into an Address
Now the question is how do we get an address information from the cellid/lac/mnc/mcc. The GNUCITIZEN site has a nice tip on how to use the ZoneTag APIfrom Yahoo. So we construct a nice URL with the information entered on screen.
Just Click on the URL above to see the XML that it returns.
Step #3: Convert Address into a Lat/Long
Just use the Yahoo GeoCode API. We parse the XML from the previous step, extract the city, state, zip and construct a new URL.
Again just Click on the URL above to see the XML that it returns.
Step #4: Launch the Maps
ContentURI uri = ContentURI.create("geo:" + myContentHandler2.getLatitude() + "," + myContentHandler2.getLongitude()); Intent intent = new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW", uri); startActivity(intent);
Piece of cake