duraboys 2010. 7. 19. 00:38

[Navicat for MySQL 수정]

au_server_ls 에서 gameservers 내용중...

mask 값 <------ 수정

[서버팩 수정]

(1) \gameserver\config\ipconfig.xml 파일 내용중...


<ipconfig default=""> <------ 수정

IANA-reserved private IPv4 network ranges
Access only from local networks, external client can't have any of
the following ip addresses


(2) \gameserver\config\gameserver.properties 파일 내용중...


# Host that will be used to listen for client connections
gameserver.network.client.host= <------ 수정

# Maximum online players on the server

# Address of login server
gameserver.network.login.address= <------ 수정 (:9014삽입)


(3) \loginserver\config\loginserver.properties 파일 내용중...


# LoginServer will bind specified network interface
# * - bind all interfaces
loginserver.network.client.host= <------ 수정

# How many times player can try to login before he get's banned for bruteforcing

# For what time in minutes player should be banned in case of bruteforcing
loginserver.network.client.bantimeforbruteforcing= 15

# Host that will be used by LS to listen for GS connections
loginserver.network.gameserver.host= <------ 수정


[클라이언트 수정]

(1) \PlayNC\AION_KOR\bin32\Aion.bat 배치 파일 내용중...


start aion.exe -ip: -port:2106 -cc:0 -noauthgg -lang:kor -noweb <------ 수정

(2) \PlayNC\AION_KOR\bin32\config.ini 파일 내용중...

BIND_ADDR = <------ 수정

BIND_ADDR = <------ 수정
BIND_PORT = 10251