read/write configuration class (xml version)
'Option Explicit
Class configs
Private mClassName
Private mConfigRootPath
Private mItems
Private mXmlRootNodeName
Private mConfigName
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
mClassName = "configs class"
mXmlRootNodeName = "configs"
mConfigRootPath = server.mappath("./")
End Sub
Public Sub Load(configname)
Dim xdom
Dim i
mConfigName = configname
Set mItems = Server.CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
Set xdom = server.CreateObject("microsoft.xmldom")
xdom.load mconfigrootpath & "\" & configname & ".xml"
If xdom.parseerror.errorcode <> 0 Then
Err.raise vbObjectError, mClassName, xdom.parseerror.reason
if xdom.documentelement.nodename = mXmlRootNodeName Then
For i=0 To xdom.documentelement.childnodes.length-1
mItems.add xdom.documentelement.childnodes(i).nodename, xdom.documentelement.childnodes(i).text
Err.raise vbObjectError, mClassName, "Invalid Configuration File"
End If
End If
Set xdom = nothing
End Sub
Public Sub Save()
Dim xdom
Dim i
Set xdom = server.CreateObject("microsoft.xmldom")
xdom.load mconfigrootpath & "\" & mConfigName & ".xml"
If xdom.parseerror.errorcode <> 0 Then
Err.raise vbObjectError, mClassName, xdom.parseerror.reason
if xdom.documentelement.nodename = mXmlRootNodeName Then
For i= xdom.documentelement.childnodes.length-1 To 0 Step -1
Dim keys, items, newelement
keys = mItems.keys()
items = mItems.items()
For i=0 To mItems.count-1
Set newelement = xdom.createElement(keys(i))
newelement.text = items(i)
xdom.documentelement.appendchild newelement
Set newelement = Nothing
Next mconfigrootpath & "\" & mConfigName & ".xml"
Err.raise vbObjectError, mClassName, "Invalid Configuration File"
End If
End If
Set xdom = nothing
Set mItems = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub Add(key, value)
mItems.Add key, value
End Sub
Public Function Item(key)
Item = mItems.Item(key)
End Function
End Class
'Dim a
'Set a = new configs
'a.load "example"
'response.write a.item("test1")
'a.add "test4", "33>3"
'Set a = nothing