
Gingerbread’s Screen Off Animation [Exclusive Video]

duraboys 2010. 10. 22. 11:30

We promised we’d be digging for more information about Gingerbread well ahead of its coming out party, and we’re making steady progress. We initially broke the news on Monday. While most of you remained skeptic thanks to the world’s worst screen grab ever, we expect some of you have come around to trusting us now that the YouTube app we talked about in that postofficially launched a few days later. Today, we have a little bit more.

What you see above is what happens in Gingerbread when turning your screen off: a cool effect not unlike what we used to see when turning a TV off back in the tube days. It’s nothing groundbreaking, but it certainly is nice and it’s worthy to note that this is the first time we’ve seen animations of this sort triggered upon hitting the designated screen off button on your phone. Note that no theme for any custom ROM or any version of Android is able to trigger such an animation, leading us to believe that this is – in fact – the real deal.

That’s it for now, but again, we’re always digging for more. Stick with us as we try to get the blueprints of this sweet house laid out before it’s ready to be built.