
WinHTTP v5.x HTTP Request

duraboys 2011. 2. 16. 11:21
' This sample illustrates doing a behind the scenes
' HTTP POST to a web server.  If you're just looking
' to do a standard GET request or simply want more
' general information about making an HTTP request
' via ASP, please see:
' Our WinHTTP v5.x HTTP Request Sample
' Our Original HTTP Sample (mainly for discussion)
' Now on to the code...

Dim objWinHttp
Dim strResponseStatus
Dim strResponseText

' Create an instance of our HTTP object
Set objWinHttp = Server.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")

' Open a connection to the server
'   .Open(bstrMethod, bstrUrl [, varAsync])
objWinHttp.Open "POST", "", False

' Set the content type header of our request to indicate
' the body of our request will contain form data.
'   .SetRequestHeader(bstrHeader, bstrValue)
objWinHttp.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

' Send the request to the server.  Form data is sent in
' the body of the request.  Here I'm simply sending a
' name and a date.  You should URLEncode any data that
' contains spaces or special characters.
'   .Send(varBody)
objWinHttp.Send "Name=John&Date=" & Server.URLEncode(Now())

' Get the server's response status
strResponseStatus = objWinHttp.Status & " " & objWinHttp.StatusText

' Get the text of the response
strResponseText = objWinHttp.ResponseText

' Dispose of our object now that we're done with it
Set objWinHttp = Nothing

<strong>Response Status:</strong> <code><%= strResponseStatus %></code>

<strong>The Response:</strong>
<table border="1">
<%= strResponseText %>