
HTML5 Using some new structural elements

duraboys 2011. 4. 28. 16:22

structure chart before redesign

My blog – like millions of others – has a header denoted by <div id="header">, a footer <div id="footer">, some articles (wrapped by an area called “content”, <div id="content">) and some navigation (wrapped up in an area called “sidebar” <div id="sidebar">). Most sites on the Web have similar constructs, although depending on your choice they might be called "branding" or "info" or "menu", or you might use the equivalent words in your own language.

Although these all have very different functions within the page, they use the same generic div in the markup. asHTML 4 has no other way to code them. HTML 5 has new elements for distinguishing these logical areas: header,navfooter and friends. (There’s more on this in an artice by Lachlan Hunt on A List Apart: A Preview of HTML 5.)

The overall aim is to replace this structure:

structure chart after redesign