
7월14일 업데이트된 구글플러스 APK

duraboys 2011. 7. 20. 00:37
7월14일 업데이트된 구글플러스 APK 바뀐점들이라고 하네요 영어라 ㅎㅎ
구글에 계신분 포스팅을 슬쩍 뽀려왔습니다.

So much hotness in today's Google+ Android app update! Visit Android Market to get the latest goodies (look for v. 1.0.2 updated 7/14, will take a few hours to roll out everywhere). 

We're love to improve the mobile apps based on your feedback, so please keep it coming!

Details of this fiery release are below. So hot my fingers burn as I'm typing :)

Fun Features

- Customize your Stream to show streams from individual circles (Stream>Menu>Manage Views)

- New UI allows adding multiple people or entire circles to an existing group Huddle

- Set photo as wallpaper (when viewing photo)

Good Fixes

- Fixed some issues with the Swype keyboard

- If someone you've never huddled with before invites you to a group Huddle, you can now dismiss the invitation

- Performance improvements and bug fixes throughout the app

We'll continue to update our top mobile issues list, so you know we're aware of the top feature requests:

Our non-Android homies (we love you just as much!) can continue to access our rockin' web app via:

Let us know what you think anytime: Click "Send Feedback" in the app, visit Google+ Discuss (via the Help Gear on desktop), or just +mention us in the Stream!