
IIS 6.0에 rewrite mod 적용하기

duraboys 2011. 7. 27. 11:05

IIS6.0으로 운영하고 있는 서버에 rewrite mod를 적용하기 위해 이것저것 알아보던 중 발견한 가장 간편한 방법이다.

기존에 쓰던 모듈들이 웹페이지 링크도 깨져있고 해서 찾기가 힘들었는데 iis.net에서 발견했다.

overview에 나와있는 대로 파워풀하네^^; 아파치랑도 잘 맞는 듯하고..

ISAPI_Rewrite 3.0

IIS 5, IIS 5.1, IIS 6, IIS 7 를 지원한다.

설치방법은 설명이 필요없다.

msi로 되어있기 때문에 다운로드해서 그냥 설치해주면 된다.

설치하는 도중에 WWW 서비스는 재시작하는 듯.

설치가 완료되면 알아서 확장 모듈에 ISAPI_Rewrite3 모듈이 등록된다.

ISAPI_Rewrite 3.0 by helicontech

Ratings      Reviews 
Category Administration   Development    
License Free to try 
Downloads 4134 
Supported by Email, Forums 
Works with IIS 5, IIS 5.1, IIS 6, IIS 7 
Documentation ISAPI_Rewrite 3.0 Documentation [] 
Updated on 4/30/2008 11:49:47 AM

ISAPI_Rewrite 3 is a powerful URL rewriter module for IIS, compatible with Apache mod_rewrite syntax, which makes possible to move configurations from Apache to IIS and vice versa just by copying .htaccess files. It is used for search engine optimization, to proxy another server's content, stop hotlinking or strengthen server security.


Offers same syntax and behavior as Apache mod_rewrite, making it possible to migrate configurations just by copying .htaccess files.
Regular expressions for flexible and powerful configurations.
Extremely fast and highly scalable pure C++ code.
Real distributed configurations: global server level, virtual host (web site) level, directory level .htaccess files with real-time monitoring.
Isolation – user level configuration affects only local user environment making ISAPI_Rewrite ideal solution for web hosting providers.


Search engine optimization.
Proxy content of one web server through another web server.
Prevent content leeching (direct linking).
Hide file extensions.
Block specific hosts, referrers or annoying robots.
Content negotiation - serving different files for different language or different browsers.
Emulate load distribution for web cluster.


Windows 2000 with IIS 5
Windows XP with IIS 5.1
Windows 2003 with IIS 6
Windows Vista with IIS 7
Windows Server 2008 with IIS 7