JW Player for Flash V5
Configuration Options
This guide is a list of all configuration options (flashvars) the JW Player for Flash v5 supports.
Configuration options are entered into the embed code and define how the player looks and functions.
First, a note on encoding. If you are embedding the Flash player using SWFObject or <object> / <embed< code, you must URL encode the three characters ? = & inside flashvars, because of the way these options are loaded into Flash (as a querystring). The urlencoded values for these symbols are listed here:
- ? → %3F
- = → %3D
- & → %26
If, for example, your file flashvar is at the location getplaylist.php?id=123&provider=flv, you must encode the option to:
Note, if you are using the JW Embedder, URL encoding these options is not necessary.
Playlist Properties
To load a playlist, only a single flashvar is required:
- playlistfile ( undefined )
- Location of an XML playlist to load into the player.
Note - If you're using the JW Embedder, you can also pass in several types of structured data that represents the playlist. See theJW Embedder Reference Guide for more information.
The following flashvars can be set instead of playlistfile. They are used to create a playlist with a single item. They set various properties of the media item to load (e.g. the source file or preview image or title). Those properties are:
- duration ( 0 )
- Duration of the file in seconds. Set this to present the duration in the controlbar before the video starts. It can also be set to a shorter value than the actual file duration. The player will restrict playback to only that section.
- file ( undefined )
- Location of the file or playlist to play, e.g. http://www.mywebsite.com/myvideo.mp4.
- image ( undefined )
- Location of a preview (poster) image; shown in display before the video starts.
- mediaid ( undefined )
- Unique string (e.g. 9Ks83JsK) used to identify this media file. Is used by certain plugins, e.g. for the targeting of advertisements. The player itself doesn’t use this ID anywhere.
- provider ( undefined )
Set this flashvar to tell the player in which format (regular/streaming) the player is. By default, the provider is detected by the player based upon the file extension. If there is no suiteable extension, it can be manually set. The following provider strings are supported:
- video: progressively downloaded FLV / MP4 video, but also AAC audio. See Media Support.
- sound: progressively downloaded MP3 files. See Media Support.
- image: JPG/GIF/PNG images. See Media Support.
- youtube: videos from YouTube. See Media Support.
- http (Flash only): FLV/MP4 videos using HTTP pseudo-streaming. See HTTP Pseudostreaming.
- rtmp (Flash only): FLV/MP4/MP3 files or live streams using RTMP streaming. See RTMP Streaming.
Note - In addition to these built-in providers, it is possible to load custom providers into the JW Player, e.g. for specific CDN support. Custom providers are packed in a separate SWF file, much like a plugin.
A number of custom providers is available from our AddOns repository. Third party developers interested in building a custom provider should check our our developer site, which includes documentation and a MediaProvider SDK.
- start ( 0 )
- Position in seconds where playback should start. This option works for HTTP Pseudostreaming, RTMP Streaming and the MP3 and YouTube files. It does not work for regular videos.
- streamer ( undefined )
- Location of an RTMP or HTTP server instance to use for streaming. Can be an RTMP application or external PHP/ASP file. See RTMP Streaming and HTTP Pseudostreaming.
Note - Technically, any playlist item property is also available as an option. In practice though, the properties author, date, description, link, tags and title are not used anywhere if a single media file is loaded.
These flashvars control the look and layout of the player.
- controlbar.position ( over* )
- Position of the controlbar. Can be set to bottom, top, over and none.
- * Note - The default value for this setting varies depending on whether or not the JW Embedder is used to embed the player. If the Embedder is used, the controlbar's position will be set to over If the player is embedded as a Flash-only component (i.e., using SWFObject to embed player.swf), the default position will be bottom.
- controlbar.idlehide ( false )
- If controlbar.position is set to over, this option determines whether the controlbar stays hidden when the player is paused or stopped.
- display.showmute ( false )
- Shows a mute icon in the player's display window while the player is playing. Disabled by default.
- dock ( true )
- set this to false to show plugin buttons in controlbar. By default (true), plugin buttons are shown in the display.
- icons ( true )
- set this to false to hide the play button and buffering icons in the display.
- playlist.position ( none )
- Position of the playlist. Can be set to bottom, top, right, left, over or none.
Note - In HTML5 mode on iOS devices, to scroll the playlist, users must use a two-finger swipe gesture. To enable one-finger scrolling, simply include the iScroll 4 JavaScript library in the <head> of your HTML document.
- playlist.size ( 180 )
- When the playlist is positioned below the display, this option can be used to change its height. When the playlist lives left or right of the display, this option represents its width. In the other cases, this option isn’t needed.
- skin ( undefined )
Location of a skin file, containing graphics which change the look of the player. There are two types of skins available:
- XML/PNG skins: These skins consist of an XML file with settings and a bunch of PNG images. The files are packed up in a ZIP, which improves the time it takes for them to load over the network. Building your own skin is extremely easy and can be done with any basic image and text editor. See XML/PNG Skinning for more info.
- SWF skins: These skins consist of a single SWF file, built using Adobe Flash. This type of skins has been supported since the 4.0 player. Since SWF skins can only be built using Flash (a $500+ package) and since this skinning model can easily break, SWF skins are considered deprecated in favor of PNG skins.
Our AddOns repository contains a list of available skins.
These flashvars control the playback behavior of the player.
- autostart ( false )
- Set this to true to automatically start the player on load.
- bufferlength ( 1 ) Flash only
- Number of seconds of the file that has to be loaded before the player starts playback. Set this to a low value to enable instant-start (good for fast connections) and to a high value to get less mid-stream buffering (good for slow connections).
- id ( undefined )
- Unique identifier of the player in the HTML DOM. You only need to set this option if you want to use the JavaScript API and want to target Linux users.
The ID is needed by JavaScript to get a reference to the player. On Windows and Mac OS X, the player automatically reads the ID from the id and name attributes of the player’s HTML embed code <embedding>. On Linux however, this functionality does not work. Setting the id option in addition to the HTML attributes will fix this problem.
- item ( 0 )
- Playlist item that should start to play. Use this to start the player with a specific item instead of with the first item.
- mute ( false )
- Mute the sounds on startup. Is saved in a cookie.
- netstreambasepath ( undefined )
- The netstreambasepath should be set to a URL from which relative paths will be calculated for video files. Introduced in JW Player 5.4, this configuration parameter directs the video and http media providers to request video files relative to the specified netstreambasepath rather than relative to the player SWF (see below). This will likely cause issues for publishers using the JW Embedder with relative file paths.
- Note - This does not affect any other URLs (such as skins, playlists, or plugins), but relative URLs contained within a playlist will be calculated relative to this path.
- Note - The netstreambasepath configuration option exists as a workaround for a technical limitation in Flash. All video in Flash must be loaded using Adobe's NetStream class. For historical reason, relative file paths passed into the NetStream are always resolved relative to the SWF making the request.
The JW Player uses the NetStream class to load media for the video and http media providers. With the introduction of the HTML5 player, it became impossible to consistently reference a video file via a relative path, as in Flash mode would load it relative to the player SWF, while in HTML5 mode it would load relative to the current page. The netstreambasepath is a workaround that allow for a consistent referencing by specifing the original path from which relative URLs should be resolved.
- playerready ( undefined )
- By default, the player calls a playerReady() JavaScript function when it is initialized. This option is used to let the player call a different function after it’s initialized (e.g. registerPlayer()).
- plugins ( undefined )
- A powerful feature, this is a comma-separated list of plugins to load (e.g. hd,viral). Plugins are separate JavaScript or SWF files that extend the functionality of the player, e.g. with advertising, analytics or viral sharing features. Visit our addons repository to browse the long list of available plugins.
- repeat ( none )
What to do when the mediafile has ended. Has several options:
- none: do nothing (stop playback) whever a file is completed.
- list: play each file in the playlist once, stop at the end.
- always: continously play the file (or all files in the playlist).
- single: continously repeat the current file in the playlist.
- shuffle ( false )
- Shuffle playback of playlist items. The player will randomly pick the items.
- smoothing ( true ) Flash only
- This sets the smoothing of videos, so you won’t see blocks when a video is upscaled. Set this to false to disable the feature and get performance improvements with old computers / big files.
- stretching ( uniform )
Defines how to resize the poster image and video to fit the display. Can be:
- none: keep the original dimensions.
- exactfit: disproportionally stretch the video/image to exactly fit the display.
- uniform: stretch the image/video while maintaining its aspect ratio. There’ll be black borders.
- fill: stretch the image/video while maintaining its aspect ratio, completely filling the display.
- volume ( 90 )
- Startup audio volume of the player. Can be 0 to 100.
Unlicensed copies of the JW Player contain a small watermark that pops up when the player is buffering. In licensed copies of the player, this watermark is empty by default. It is possible to place your own watermark in the player using the following options:
- logo.file ( undefined )
- Location of an external JPG, PNG or GIF image to be used as watermark. PNG images with transparency give the best results.
- logo.link ( undefined )
- HTTP link to jump to when the watermark image is clicked. If it is not set, a click on the watermark does nothing.
- logo.linktarget ( _blank )
- Link target for logo click. Can be _self, _blank, _parent, _top or a named frame.
- logo.hide ( true )
- By default, the logo will automatically show when the player buffers and hide 3 seconds later. When this option is setfalse, the logo will stay visible all the time.
- logo.margin ( 8 )
- The distance of the logo, in pixels from the sides of the player.
- logo.position ( bottom-left )
This sets the corner in which to display the watermark. It can be one of the following:
- bottom-left
- bottom-right
- top-left
- top-right
- logo.timeout ( 3 )
- When logo.hide is set to *true*, this option sets the number of seconds the logo is visible after it appears.
- logo.over ( 1 )
- The alpha transparency of the logo on mouseover. Can be a decimal number from 0 to 1.
- logo.out ( 0.5 )
- The default alpha transparency of the logo when not moused over. Can be a decimal number from 0 to 1.
Note - Once again: the logo options can only be used for licensed players!
These options are available when either using no skin or when using skins built with the older SWF skinning model (these skins have the extension .swf). These color options will be deprecated once SWF skinning support is dropped in a future release.
- backcolor ( ffffff ) Flash only
- background color of the controlbar and playlist. This is white by default.
- frontcolor ( 000000 ) Flash only
- color of all icons and texts in the controlbar and playlist. Is black by default.
- lightcolor ( 000000 ) Flash only
- Color of an icon or text when you rollover it with the mouse. Is black by default.
- screencolor ( 000000 ) Flash only
- Background color of the display. Is black by default.
The four color flashvars must be entered using hexadecimal values, as is common for web colors (e.g. FFCC00 for bright yellow).
Config XML
All options can be listed in an XML file and then fed to the player with a single option:
- config ( undefined ) Flash only
- location of a XML file with flashvars. Useful if you want to keep the actual embed codes short. Here’s an example:
Here is an example of such an XML file:
Options set in the embed code will overwrite those set in the config XML.
Note - Due to the Crossdomain Security Restrictions restrictions of Flash, you cannot load a config XML from one domain in a player on another domain. This issue can be circumvented by placing a crossdomain.xml file on the server that hosts your XML.
JW플레이어의 명령어 모음입니다.
명령어와 설명을 잘 보시고 원하시는 명령어를 사용하시면 되겠습니다.
명령어 | 설 명 |
&controlbar=bottom | 컨트롤바의 위치를 하단에 위치 |
&controlbar=top | 컨트롤바의 위치를 상단에 위치 |
&controlbar=over | 영상에 마우스 커서를 올리면 컨트롤바가 나타남 커서가 없을 경우, 시간이 지나면 사라짐 |
&controlbar=none | 컨트롤바를 나타나지 않게 설정 |
&skin=스킨파일주소 | JW플레이어의 스킨을 변경함 |
&autostart=false | 자동재생이 안되도록 설정 |
&autostart=true | 화면이 나타남과 동시에 자동으로 재생 되도록 설정 |
&repeat=false | 동영상을 한바퀴 재생하고 정지 |
&repeat=list | 리스트에 포함된 모든 동영상을 한바퀴 재생하고 정지 |
&repeat=always | 동영상을 계속 자동으로 반복재생 |
&mute=false | 음소거가 없도록 설정 |
&mute=false | 화면은 나오지만 음소거 되도록 설정 |
&icon=true | 화면중앙에 재생 아이콘과 로딩 아이콘이 보이도록 설정 |
&icon=false | 아이콘이 안보이도록 설정 |
&menu=true | 영상 화면을 마우스 오른쪽 버튼으로 클릭하면 메뉴가 보이도록 설정 |
&menu=false | 메뉴가 나타나지 않도록 설정 |
&stretching=uniform | 영상의 비율이 변하지 않도록 설정 |
&stretching=fill | 원본 영상과 플레이어의 크기가 다를 경우, 플레이어의 화면크기에 맞추어 화면이 잘림 |
&stretching=exactfit | 원본 영상과 플레이어의 크기가 다를 경우, 플레이어의 화면크기에 맞추어 화면 크기 변경 |
&stretching=none | 원본 영상과 플레이어의 크기가 다를 경우, 원본 영상의 크기로 재생 |
&volume=음량(0~100) | 플레이어의 음량을 조절할 수 있음 |
&displayclick=fullscreen | 영상 화면을 클릭하면 모니터 화면에 풀스크린으로 나타남 |
&displayclick=next | 영상 화면을 클릭하면 다음 파일로 넘어감 |
&displayclick=mute | 영상 화면을 클릭하면 음소거가 되도록 설정 |
&displayclick=none | 영상 화면을 클릭해도 아무런 일이 없음 |
&displayclick=링크주소 | 영상 화면을 클릭하면 삽입한 주소로 이동(새창) |
&image=이미지주소 | 재생하기 전에 플레이어에 보여질 이미지를 삽입 |
&playlist=none | 플레이 리스트가 안보이도록 설정 |
&playlist=top | 플레이 리스트가 화면의 상단에 보이도록 설정 |
&playlist=bottom | 플레이 리스트가 화면의 하단에 보이도록 설정 |
&playlist=right | 플레이 리스트가 화면의 오른쪽에 보이도록 설정 |
&playlist=left | 플레이 리스트가 화면의 왼쪽에 보이도록 설정 |
&playlist=over | 플레이 리스트가 영상 재생전에 보이도록 설정 |
&playlistsize=숫자 | 플레이 리스트의 크기를 설정 만약 여기에 200을 입력했다면 기본 태그에서 플레이어의 크기를 +200 해서 입력해야함 |
&shuffle=false | 랜덤 재생 없음 |
&shuffle=true | 플레이 리스트 내에서 랜덤 재생 |
&logo=로고주소 | 자신이 올려놓은 로고 이미지를 삽입 |
&logo.position=bottom-left | 로고를 화면 왼쪽 하단에 위치 |
&logo.position=bottom-right | 로고를 화면 오른쪽쪽 하단에 위치 |
&logo.position=top-left | 로고를 화면 왼쪽 상단에 위치 |
&logo.position=top-right | 로고를 화면 오른쪽 상단에 위치 |