구글의 독특한 인재 선발 시스템
2007. 5. 3. 01:13
12일 뜬 외신 한 자료인데요, 좀 늦었지만 몇가지 재미있는 내용이 있어 줄치면서 함께 읽어봅시다.
심지어 설문 중에는 '세계 기록을 세운 적이 있는가'라는 질문도 한다는군요.
Google Tests Unique Hiring Process'Have You Set A World Record?'
By Heather Ishimaru
Feb. 12 - KGO - Google is expected to double its size yet again this year. With that kind of growth, and a rebound in the high-tech economy, Google is having a harder time hiring. So it's come up with an intriguing new approach.
From 2005 to 2006, Google grew from 6,000 to 11,000 employees. It won't confirm projected growth for this year, but estimates are it will double again.
-1만1000명까지 늘어났다는군요. 제가 작년 중순까지만 해도 7000여명이라는 자료에 의지했는데... 중요한건 올해 더 늘어난다는 사실.
Laszlo Bock, vice president of "People Operations" -- Google's name for what's known elsewhere as Human Resources -- says the company gets 100,000 job applications a month.
-한달에 10만개 입사지원서를 받는다! 헉스.
And yet, he admits it's having a hard time filling openings.
Laszlo Bock, V.P. Google People Operations: "What we're finding more and more now is the very best people aren't looking for jobs. They're at companies doing great work, being very well rewarded and having a great time and they're not looking."
- 오홋. 최고의! 최고의! 구글이 이걸로 유명했죠.
So Google has changed its hiring strategies. It's trying to be more candidate-friendly, by shortening the interview process and getting offers out more quickly.
- 최근에는 좀더 지원자 친화적으로... 인터뷰 시긴도 줄이고...
And it's expanded its notion of who might be a successful Google employee with a new questionnaire tailored to each job.
Laszlo Bock, V.P. Google People Operations: "Broadly what's compelling and different about this is it's a way to make sure we miss fewer people, that we screen people in rather than screen people out."
The new questionnaire covers everything from if you've ever set a world record in something to whether you've made a profit from a catering business, a wide net beyond GPA and SAT scores.
- 세계 기록도 설문? 글쓰기 능력이 기본적으로 필요하겠군요.
Google then interprets the data like answers from a math problem, cross-referencing them with answers from existing, successful Google employees and measuring the similarities.
- 수학적 평가는 기존 구글 우수 사원들 결과물과 비교해서..
Terry Connolly, Golden Gate University: "Interestingly enough I think that's more of Google's challenge than anything else."
Golden Gate University Business School Dean Terry Connolly thinks that many talented people don't want to work at Google so much as to found the next Google.
- 당연하겠죠. 똑똑한 사람들일수록 구글에서 일하길 피하고, 차라리 '차세대 구글' 자리를 노리겠죠. 똑똑한 놈들을 끊임없이 원하는 구글의 고민은 여기에 있지 않을까 싶네요.
Terry Connolly, Golden Gate University: "The kind of people they want are the kinds of people that want to be the next leaders of Google, but they want it to be x or y or z."
He thinks another challenge is effectively keeping up with the overwhelming number of applications.
There's no telling how long this new approach will last. Google says for now, it's just an experiment.
Copyright 2006, ABC7/KGO-TV/DT.
원문 -
심지어 설문 중에는 '세계 기록을 세운 적이 있는가'라는 질문도 한다는군요.
Google Tests Unique Hiring Process'Have You Set A World Record?'
By Heather Ishimaru
Feb. 12 - KGO - Google is expected to double its size yet again this year. With that kind of growth, and a rebound in the high-tech economy, Google is having a harder time hiring. So it's come up with an intriguing new approach.
From 2005 to 2006, Google grew from 6,000 to 11,000 employees. It won't confirm projected growth for this year, but estimates are it will double again.
-1만1000명까지 늘어났다는군요. 제가 작년 중순까지만 해도 7000여명이라는 자료에 의지했는데... 중요한건 올해 더 늘어난다는 사실.
Laszlo Bock, vice president of "People Operations" -- Google's name for what's known elsewhere as Human Resources -- says the company gets 100,000 job applications a month.
-한달에 10만개 입사지원서를 받는다! 헉스.
And yet, he admits it's having a hard time filling openings.
Laszlo Bock, V.P. Google People Operations: "What we're finding more and more now is the very best people aren't looking for jobs. They're at companies doing great work, being very well rewarded and having a great time and they're not looking."
- 오홋. 최고의! 최고의! 구글이 이걸로 유명했죠.
So Google has changed its hiring strategies. It's trying to be more candidate-friendly, by shortening the interview process and getting offers out more quickly.
- 최근에는 좀더 지원자 친화적으로... 인터뷰 시긴도 줄이고...
And it's expanded its notion of who might be a successful Google employee with a new questionnaire tailored to each job.
Laszlo Bock, V.P. Google People Operations: "Broadly what's compelling and different about this is it's a way to make sure we miss fewer people, that we screen people in rather than screen people out."
The new questionnaire covers everything from if you've ever set a world record in something to whether you've made a profit from a catering business, a wide net beyond GPA and SAT scores.
- 세계 기록도 설문? 글쓰기 능력이 기본적으로 필요하겠군요.
Google then interprets the data like answers from a math problem, cross-referencing them with answers from existing, successful Google employees and measuring the similarities.
- 수학적 평가는 기존 구글 우수 사원들 결과물과 비교해서..
Terry Connolly, Golden Gate University: "Interestingly enough I think that's more of Google's challenge than anything else."
Golden Gate University Business School Dean Terry Connolly thinks that many talented people don't want to work at Google so much as to found the next Google.
- 당연하겠죠. 똑똑한 사람들일수록 구글에서 일하길 피하고, 차라리 '차세대 구글' 자리를 노리겠죠. 똑똑한 놈들을 끊임없이 원하는 구글의 고민은 여기에 있지 않을까 싶네요.
Terry Connolly, Golden Gate University: "The kind of people they want are the kinds of people that want to be the next leaders of Google, but they want it to be x or y or z."
He thinks another challenge is effectively keeping up with the overwhelming number of applications.
There's no telling how long this new approach will last. Google says for now, it's just an experiment.
Copyright 2006, ABC7/KGO-TV/DT.
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