
The RIPE 55 Secret Working Group Session

duraboys 2007. 10. 31. 09:55
RIPE란 유럽 등을 중심으로 IT 네트워크 기술에 종사하는 전문가들이 모여 신기술에 대해 논의하는 포럼이다. 22일부터 열린 ‘RIPE 55( )’ 콘퍼런스는 AfriNIC, APNIC, ARIN, LACNIC, ICANN 등 전세게 네트워크 기술표준을 주도하는 대표자들을 비롯해 40여 개국에서 모인 전문가 375명이 참여해 성황을 이뤘다. RIPE 56 콘퍼런스는 내년 5월 독일에서 열린다.

이날 마무리 행사에서 영국 '데몬 인터넷(Demon Internet, )' 관계자인 게리 필드만(Gary Feldman)씨는 시크리트 워킹 그룹(Secret Working Group,을 대표해 나섰다. 그는 돈 맥클린(Don McLean)이 발표해 여러 가수들을 통해 리메이크 된 ‘어메리칸 파이(American Pie)’를 인터넷 기술 트랜드를 빗대어 노랫말을 재미있게 바꿨다.

‘라우터가 멎은 날(The Day The Routers Died)’이란 제목의 이 노래에서 그는 후렵구를 통해 “네트워크는 업그레이드돼야 한다”며 “(차세대 IP 기술인) IPv6는 한숨짓게 만들지만, 한번 도전해봐야 하지 않겠는가”라고 말했다.

라우터가 멎은 날(The Day The Routers Died)

a long long time ago
i can still remember
when my laptop could connect elsewhere
아주 오래 전 난 내 노트북이 어디엔가
연결됐을 때를 아직도 기억합니다

and i tell you all there was a day
the network card i threw away
had a purpose - and worked for you and me....
그리고 난 내가 집어던져 버린 그 네트워크 카드가
당신과 나를 위해 효과가 있었던 날이 있었지요.

But 18 years completely wasted
with each address we've aggregated
the tables overflowing
the traffic just stopped flowing....
그러나 인터넷 주소들을 쌓아오며 낭비한 18년 동안
테이블은 넘쳐나고, 트래픽은 흐르지 않게 됐습니다.

And now we're bearing all the scars
and all my traceroutes showing stars...
the packets would travel faster in cars...
the day....the routers died
이제 우리는 모든 상처와 별을 보이는 내 모든 추적루트를 견뎌내면
패킷은 자동차보다 더 빨리 흘러갈 겁니다.
라우터가 멎은 바로 그 날

Chorus (ALL!!!!!)

So bye bye, folks at RIPE 55
Be persuaded to upgrade it or your network will die
IPv6 just makes me let out a sigh
But I spose we'd better give it a try
I suppose we'd better give it a try
안녕, 안녕, RIPE 55 동료들이여,
라우터를 업그레이드 하도록 설득하세요,
그렇지 않으면 여러분의 네트워크가 멎을 겁니다.
IPv6(IPv4를 이을 차세대 IP 기술)는 날 한숨짓게 만들지만
한번 도전하는 것이 낫겠다고 생각해요
난 우리가 한번 도전해 보는 것이 낫겠다고 생각해요

Now did you write an RFC
That dictated how we all should be
Did we listen like we should that day

Now were you back at RIPE fifty-four
Where we heard the same things months before
And the people knew they'd have to change their ways....

And we - knew that all the ISPs
Could be - future proof for centuries

But that was then not now
Spent too much time playing WoW

ooh there was time we sat on IRC
Making jokes on how this day would be
Now there's no more use for TCP
The day the routers died...

Chorus (chime in now)

So bye bye, folks at RIPE 55
Be persuaded to upgrade it or your network will die
IPv6 just makes me let out a sigh
But I spose we'd better give it a try
I suppose we'd better give it a try

I remember those old days I mourn
Sitting in my room, downloading porn
Yeah that's how it used to be....

When the packets flowed from A to B
via routers that could talk IP
There was data..that could be exchanged between you and me....

Oh but - I could see you all ignore
The fact - we'd fill up IPv4

But we all lost the nerve
And we got what we deserved!

And while...we threw our network kit away
And wished we'd heard the things they say
Put all our lives in disarray

The day...the routers died...

Chorus (those silent will be shot)

So bye bye, folks at RIPE 55
Be persuaded to upgrade it or your network will die
IPv6 just makes me let out a sigh
But I spose we'd better give it a try
I suppose we'd better give it a try


Saw a man with whom I used to peer
Asked him to rescue my career
He just sighed and turned away..

I went down to the net cafe
that I used to visit everyday
But the man there said I might as well just leave...

And now we've all lost our purpose..
my cisco shares completely worthless...

No future meetings for me
At the Hotel Krasnapolsky

and the men that make us push and push
Like Geoff Huston and Randy Bush
Should've listened to what they told us....
The day...the routers....died

Chorus (time to lose your voice)

So bye bye, folks at RIPE 55
Be persuaded to upgrade it or your network will die
IPv6 just makes me let out a sigh
But I spose we'd better give it a try
I suppose we'd better give it a try