윈도우 DLL파일 설명자료
2008. 11. 13. 21:16
3ivx.dll = 3ivx D4 4.0.4 Core
3ivxvfwcodec.dll = 3ivx D4 4.0.4 Video for Windows Codec
6to4svc.dll = Service that offers IPv6connectivity over an IPv4 network.
a3d.dll = Audio3D (OEM)
aaaamon.dll = DLL d'analyse aaaa
aasc32.dll = Autodesk RLE compression driver
acctres.dll = Ressources du gestionnaire de comptes Microsoft Internet
acledit.dll = Editeur de liste de controle d'acces
aclui.dll = Editeur de descripteur de securite
acodec.dll = Acodec
activeds.dll = DLL de la couche de routage AD
actxprxy.dll = ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library
admparse.dll = Analyseur de modeles de strategies globales de IEAK
adptif.dll = IPX Interface via WinSock
adsldp.dll = ADs LDAP Provider DLL
adsldpc.dll = DLL C du fournisseur LDAP AD
adsmsext.dll = ADs LDAP Provider DLL
adsnds.dll = DLL du fournisseur NDS AD
adsnt.dll = DLL du fournisseur de AD Windows NT
adsnw.dll = ADs Netware 3.12 Provider DLL
advapi32.dll = API avancees Windows 32
advpack.dll = ADVPACK
alrsvc.dll = Alerter Service DLL
amstream.dll = DirectShow Runtime.
apcups.dll = APC Smart Provider
apigid32.dll = APIGID32 DLL - Utility DLL for the VB Programmer's Guide to the Win32 API
apitrap.dll = Apitrap
apphelp.dll = Application Compatibility Client Library
appmgmts.dll = Service Installation de logiciels
appmgr.dll = Extension du composant logiciel enfichable d'installation de logiciel
asferror.dll = Definitions d'erreurs ASF
asfsipc.dll = ASFSipc Object
asusasv1.dll = ASUS Video Compressor
asusasv2.dll = ASUS ASV2 Video CODEC
asycfilt.dll =
athprxy.dll = Microsoft Search Authentication Proxy
ati2dvaa.dll = ATI RAGE 128 WindowsNT Display Driver
ati2dvag.dll = ATI Radeon WindowsNT Display Driver
ati3d1ag.dll = ati3d1ag.dll =
ati3d2ag.dll = ati3d2ag.dll =
ativcr1.dll = ATI VCR 1.0 Format Codec
ativcr2.dll = ATI VCR2 Planar Format Codec
atiyuv12.dll = ATI YV12 Planar Format Codec
atkctrs.dll = DLL de compteur de performance AppleTalk Windows NT
atl.dll = ATL Module for Windows NT (Unicode)
atl70.dll = ATL Module for Windows (Unicode)
atmfd.dll = Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 Font Driver
atmlib.dll = Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 API Library.
atmpvcno.dll = Atm Epvc Install DLL
atrace.dll = Async Trace DLL
audio3d.dll = Audio3D (OEM)
audiosrv.dll = Windows Audio Service
authz.dll = Authorization Framework
autodisc.dll = API Windows Decouverte automatique
avhal32.dll = AVHAL DLL file
avicap.dll = DLL de capture AVI
avicap32.dll = Classe de fenetre de capture AVI
avidavicodec.dll = Avid AVI Codec Version 2.0d2 for Windows NT
avifil32.dll = Bibliotheque d'assistance des fichiers AVI Microsoft
avifile.dll = Bibliotheque d'assistance des fichiers AVI Microsoft
avimszh.dll =
avipr.dll = Dual stream codec component
aviwrap.dll =
avizlib.dll =
avmeter.dll = Controles de mesure
avtapi.dll = Numeroteur TAPI 3.0 et Visualisateur de conference multidiffusion IP
avwav.dll = Wave Manipulation Component
avwin32.dll = AVWIN DLL file
basesrv.dll = Windows NT BASE API Server DLL
batmeter.dll = DLL d'application d'assistance de Jauge de batterie
batt.dll = Battery Class Installer
bidispl.dll = Bidispl DLL
blackbox.dll = BlackBox DLL
bmpimporter.dll = BmpImporter Module
bootvid.dll = VGA Boot Driver
browselc.dll = Bibliotheque de l'interface utilisateur du navigateur Shell
browser.dll = Computer Browser Service DLL
browseui.dll = Bibliotheque de l'interface utilisateur du navigateur
browsewm.dll = BrowseWM Player
cabinet.dll = Microsoft® Cabinet File API
cabview.dll = Extension shell de l'Afficheur de fichiers Cab
camcodec.dll = CamStudio lossless video codec
camocx.dll = DLL WIA Camera View
capesnpn.dll = Extension Gestionnaire de modeles de certificat Microsoft®
cards.dll = Entertainment Pack Cardplaying Helper DLL
catsrv.dll = COM Services
catsrvps.dll = COM Services
catsrvut.dll = COM Services
ccfgnt.dll = Internet Configuration Library
ccpasswd.dll = Common Client Password
cctrust.dll = Common Client ccTrust
cdfview.dll = Visionneuse du fichier de definition de la chaine
cdm.dll = Windows Update CDM Stub
cdmodem.dll = Modem Connection Driver
cdosys.dll = Microsoft CDO pour la bibliotheque Windows 2000
cdvccodc.dll = Canopus DV Codec Front-End
certcli.dll = Client Microsoft® Certificate Services
certmgr.dll = Composant logiciel enfichable Certificats
ceutil.dll = Bibliotheque d'utilitaire de registre
cewmdm.dll = Windows CE WMDM Service Provider
cfgbkend.dll = Configuration Backend Interface
cfgmgr32.dll = Configuration Manager Forwarder DLL
ciadmin.dll = Administration de CI (MMC)
cic.dll = CIC - Controles MMC pour la Liste des taches
ciodm.dll = Indexing Service Admin Automation Objects
clb.dll = Zone de liste de colonnes
clbcatex.dll = COM Services
clbcatq.dll = COM Services
cliconfg.dll = SQL Client Configuration Utility DLL
clusapi.dll = Cluster API Library
cmcfg32.dll = DLL de configuration de Microsoft Connection Manager
cmdial32.dll = Microsoft Connection Manager
cmnprop.dll = CMAudio Property Page
cmpbk32.dll = Microsoft Connection Manager Phonebook
cmprops.dll = Composant logiciel enfichable WMI
cmutil.dll = Bibliotheque utilitaire Microsoft Connection Manager
cnbjmon.dll = Moniteur de langage pour imprimante Bubble-Jet Canon
cnetcfg.dll = Bibliotheque de Connection Manager
cnvfat.dll = FAT File System Conversion Utility DLL
colbact.dll = COM Services
comaddin.dll = COM Services
comcat.dll = Microsoft Component Category Manager Library
comctl32.dll = Common Controls Library
comdlg32.dll = DLL commune de boites de dialogues
commdlg.dll = Bibliotheques des boites de dialogue communes
compatui.dll = Module CompatUI
compobj.dll = OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
compstui.dll = DLL d'interface utilisateur de feuille des proprietes communes
comrepl.dll = COM Services
comres.dll = Services COM
comsnap.dll = COM Services
comsvcs.dll = COM Services
comuid.dll = COM Services
confmsp.dll = Fournisseur de service media de conference IP Microsoft
console.dll = Applet Console du Panneau de configuration
corpol.dll = Microsoft COM Runtime Execution Engine
cpuinf32.dll =
credui.dll = Interface utilisateur du gestionnaire d'informations d'identification
crtdll.dll = Microsoft C Runtime Library
crypt32.dll = Crypto API32
cryptdlg.dll = Dialogues communs de certificats Microsoft
cryptdll.dll = Cryptography Manager
cryptext.dll = Extensions noyau de cryptographie
cryptnet.dll = Crypto Network Related API
cryptsvc.dll = Cryptographic Services
cryptui.dll = Fournisseur de l'interface Microsoft Trust
csccdvc.dll = Canopus Software DV Codec
cscdll.dll = Agent reseau hors connexion
cscdvsd.dll = Canopus Soft DVSD Codec
cscui.dll = IU de cache cote client
csedv.dll = Canopus Software Engine (DV stream)
csrsrv.dll = Client Server Runtime Process
csseqchk.dll = CSSeqChk
ctl3d32.dll = Ctl3D 3D Windows Controls
ctl3dv2.dll = Ctl3D 3D Windows NT(WOW) Controls
d3d8.dll = Microsoft Direct3D
d3d8thk.dll = Microsoft Direct3D OS Thunk Layer
d3d9.dll = Microsoft Direct3D
d3dim.dll = Microsoft Direct3D
d3dim700.dll = Microsoft Direct3D
d3dpmesh.dll = Direct3D Progressive Mesh DLL
d3dramp.dll = Microsoft Direct3D
d3drm.dll = Direct3D Retained Mode DLL
d3dxof.dll = DirectX Files DLL
danim.dll = DirectX Media -- DirectAnimation
dataclen.dll = Gestionnaire de nettoyage de disque pour Windows
datime.dll = TIME
davclnt.dll = Fichier DLL du client DAV pour le Web
dbgeng.dll = Symbolic Debugger Engine for Windows 2000
dbghelp.dll = Windows Image Helper
dbmsadsn.dll = ADSP Net DLL for SQL Clients
dbmsrpcn.dll = ConnectTo RPC Net Library
dbmsvinn.dll = ConnectTo VINES Net Library
dbnetlib.dll = Winsock Oriented Net DLL for SQL Clients
dbnmpntw.dll = Named Pipes Net DLL for SQL Clients
dciman32.dll = DCI Manager
ddao35.dll = Microsoft DAO C++ Library
ddeml.dll = Bibliotheque de gestion DDE
ddraw.dll = Microsoft DirectDraw
ddrawex.dll = Direct Draw Ex
deccdvc.dll = Canopus Software DV Decompressor
deskadp.dll = Proprietes avancees de la carte graphique
deskmon.dll = Proprietes avancees de l'ecran
deskperf.dll = Proprietes de performance de l'affichage avance
devenum.dll = Enumeration de peripheriques.
devmgr.dll = Composant logiciel enfichable MMC Gestionnaire de peripheriques
dfrgres.dll = Module de ressources du defragmenteur de disque
dfrgsnap.dll = Module du composant logiciel enfichable de defragmenteur de disque
dfrgui.dll = Disk Defragmenter UI Module
dfsshlex.dll = Extension de l'interpreteur de commande du systeme de fichier distribue
dgnet.dll = Module Dgnet
dgrpsetu.dll = Digi RealPort® Driver Upgrade
dgsetup.dll = DGSETUP DLL
dhcpcsvc.dll = Service client DHCP
dhcpmon.dll = DLL du Moniteur DHCP
dhcpsapi.dll = DLL de substitution de l'API serveur DHCP
diactfrm.dll = Microsoft DirectInput Mapper Framework
digest.dll = Package d'authentification Digest SSPI
digivcap.dll = Matrox Codecs
dimap.dll = Microsoft DirectInput Mapper
dinput.dll = Microsoft DirectInput
dinput8.dll = Microsoft DirectInput
directdb.dll = Microsoft Direct Database API
diskcopy.dll = Copie de disques Windows
dispex.dll = Microsoft (r) DispEx
divx.dll = DivX Video for Windows Codec (Corporate Edition)
divx4.dll = DivX Video for Windows Codec
divxc32.dll = DivX ;-) MPEG-4 Video Codec
divxc32f.dll = DivX ;-) MPEG-4 Video Codec
dmband.dll = Microsoft DirectMusic Band
dmcompos.dll = Microsoft DirectMusic Composer
dmconfig.dll = Logical Disk Manager Configuration Library
dmdlgs.dll = Disk Management Snap-in Dialogs
dmdskmgr.dll = Disk Management Snap-in Support Library
dmdskres.dll = Ressources du composant logiciel enfichable Gestionnaire de disque
dmime.dll = Microsoft DirectMusic Interactive Engine
dmintf.dll = Disk Management DCOM Interface Stub
dmloader.dll = Microsoft DirectMusic Loader
dmocx.dll = OCX TreeView
dmscript.dll = Microsoft DirectMusic Scripting
dmserver.dll = DLL Service gestionnaire de disque logique
dmstyle.dll = Microsoft DirectMusic Style Engline
dmsynth.dll = Microsoft DirectMusic Software Synthesizer
dmusic.dll = Services noyau Microsoft DirectMusic
dmutil.dll = Bibliotheque de l'utilitaire Gestionnaire de disques logiques
dnsapi.dll = DNS Client API DLL
dnsrslvr.dll = Service de resolution du cache DNS
docprop.dll = Page des proprietes de OLE DocFile
docprop2.dll = Extension du noyau DocProp Microsoft
doveov32.dll = DOVEOVL DLL
dpcdll.dll = Module dpcdll
dplay.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay
dplayx.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay
dpmodemx.dll = Connexion par modem et connexion serie pour DirectPlay
dpnaddr.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay8 Address
dpnet.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay
dpnhpast.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay NAT Helper PAST
dpnhupnp.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay NAT Helper UPnP
dpnlobby.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay8 Lobby
dpnmodem.dll = Fournisseur de modem Microsoft DirectPlay8
dpnwsock.dll = Fournisseur Winsock de Microsoft DirectPlay8
dpsavicc.dll = DPS AVI Codec DLL
dpserial.dll = Fournisseur de service modem Microsoft DirectPlay
dpstoavi.dll = Dps Media Conversion DLL
dpvacm.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay Voice ACM Provider
dpvoice.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay Voice
dpvvox.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay Voice Voxware Provider
dpwsock.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay Local Net Service Provider
dpwsockx.dll = Connexion TCP/IP Internet et IPX pour DirectPlay
drmclien.dll = DRM Client DLL
drmstor.dll = DRM Store DLL
drmv2clt.dll = DRMv2 Client DLL
drprov.dll = Microsoft Terminal Server Network Provider
ds16gt.dll = Microsoft ODBC Driver Setup Generic Thunk
ds32gt.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Setup Generic Thunk
dsauth.dll = DS Authorization for Services
dsdmo.dll = DirectSound Effects
dsdmoprp.dll = Pages de propriete des effets DirectSound
dskquota.dll = DLL Windows Shell de prise en charge de quota de disque
dskquoui.dll = DLL d'IU des quotas de disque systeme
dsound.dll = DirectSound
dsound3d.dll = DirectSound3D LUT
dsprop.dll = Pages de propriete de l'annuaire Windows Active Directory
dsprpres.dll = Ressources de pages de proprietes d'Active Directory
dsquery.dll = Trouver le service d'annuaire
dsrmp4.dll =
dssec.dll = Interface utilisateur de securite du service d'annuaire
dssenh.dll = Microsoft Enhanced DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider
dsuiext.dll = Interface utilisateur commune du service d'annuaire
dswave.dll = Microsoft DirectMusic Wave
duser.dll = Windows DirectUser Engine
dvavi.dll = DV, AVI fromat conversion library
dvc.dll = Stub DV Compression Manager
dvcodec.dll = DVcodec
dvoutput.dll = dvoutput
dvread.dll = DV Read Filter
dvsoft.dll = DV Compression Manager
dvwrite.dll = DV Data Write Filter
dx7vb.dll = Microsoft DirectX for Visual Basic
dx8vb.dll = Microsoft DirectX for Visual Basic
dxdiagn.dll = Outil de diagnostic Microsoft DirectX
dxmasf.dll = Filtre source Windows Media
dxmrtp.dll = Microsoft TAPI Audio, Video and RTP Filters
dxtmsft.dll = DirectX Media -- Image DirectX Transforms
dxtrans.dll = DirectX Media -- DirectX Transform Core
efsadu.dll = Utilitaire de cryptage de fichiers
elbycdio.dll = ElbyCDIO DLL
elbyvcd.dll = VirtualCloneDrive
els.dll = Composant Observateur d'evenements
encapi.dll = Encoder API
encdec.dll = XDSCodec & Encypter/Decrypter Tagger Filters.
eqnclass.dll = Co-installeur serie multiport Equinox
ersvc.dll = Windows Error Reporting Service
es.dll = COM Services
esent.dll = Moteur de stockage de base de donnees serveur
esent97.dll = Microsoft(R) Windows NT(TM) Server Database Storage Engine
esentprf.dll = Server Database Storage Performance Library
etxcodec.dll = ETXCodec DLL
eventcls.dll = Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Service event class
eventlog.dll = Service journal des evenements
expsrv.dll = Visual Basic for Applications Runtime - Expression Service
exts.dll = Debugger Extensions
faultrep.dll = Rapport d'erreurs Windows
fde.dll = Extension du composant logiciel enfichable de redirection de dossiers
fdeploy.dll = Extension Winlogon de redirection de dossier
feclient.dll = Windows NT File Encryption Client Interfaces
filemgmt.dll = Services et dossiers partages
flccodec32.dll = Autodesk 24Bit RLE compression driver
flcfile32.dll = FLC/FLI File Handler For AVIFile
fldrclnr.dll = Assistant Nettoyage du Bureau
fm20.dll = Microsoft® Forms DLL
fm20enu.dll = Microsoft® Forms International DLL
fm20fra.dll = Microsoft® Forms International DLL
fmifs.dll = FM IFS Utility DLL
fontext.dll = Dossier des polices Windows
fontsub.dll = Font Subsetting DLL
framebuf.dll = Framebuffer Display Driver
frwd.dll = frwd
frwt.dll = frwd
frwu.dll = frwd
fsusd.dll = DLL de peripheriques appareils photo du systeme de fichiers
ftsrch.dll = Rechercher Microsoft® Full-Text
fwcall.dll = fwcall
gcdef.dll = Feuilles de proprietes par defaut du controleurs de jeu
gdi32.dll = GDI Client DLL
gear81sd.dll = AccuSoft ImageGear/DLL 32
getuname.dll = DLL des noms UNICODE pour UCE
gif89.dll = Gif89 Module
glmf32.dll = OpenGL Metafiling DLL
glu32.dll = DLL bibliotheque des utilitaires OpenGL
glzw.dll = Glzw DLL
gpedit.dll = GPEdit
gpeg.dll = Gpeg DLL
gpkcsp.dll = Gemplus Cryptographic Service Provider
gpkrsrc.dll = Ressources du fournisseur de services cryptographiques Gemplus
gptext.dll = GPTExt
h323msp.dll = Fournisseur de service media Microsoft H.323
hal.dll = Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL
hccoin.dll = USB Coinstaller
hdimon.dll = Heidi® OLE to ADI Port Monitor
hhsetup.dll = Microsoft® HTML Help
hid.dll = Hid User Library
hlink.dll = Bibliotheque Hypertexte Microsoft
hnetcfg.dll = Gestionnaire de configuration de reseau domestique
hnetmon.dll = DLL de l'analyseur de reseau domestique
hnetwiz.dll = Assistant Configuration du reseau
hotplug.dll = Application de suppression securisee de materiel
hpzcoi04.dll = HP DeskJet
hpzcon04.dll = HP DeskJet Printing System for Windows
hpzlnt04.dll = HP DeskJet
hticons.dll = HyperTerminal Applet Library
httpx.dll = Mabry Internet HTTP/X COM Object
htui.dll = Dialogues communs d'ajustement des couleurs en demi-teintes
huffyuv.dll = Huffyuv lossless video codec
hypertrm.dll = Bibliotheque d'applications HyperTerminal
iasacct.dll = Fournisseur de compte IAS
iasads.dll = Magasin de donnees Active Directory IAS
iashlpr.dll = Composant de substitution IAS
iasnap.dll = IAS NAP Provider
iaspolcy.dll = IAS Pipeline
iasrad.dll = Composant de protocole RADIUS IAS
iasrecst.dll = IAS Jet Database Access
iassam.dll = IAS NT SAM Provider
iassdo.dll = Composant SDO IAS
iassvcs.dll = Composant de services IAS
ic32.dll = IC Image Control
icaapi.dll = DLL Interface to TermDD Device Driver
iccvid.dll = Cinepak® AVI Codec by CTi
icfgnt5.dll = Internet Connection Wizard
icm32.dll = Module de gestion de couleurs (CMM)
icmp.dll = ICMP DLL
icmui.dll = DLL pour l'interface utilisateur du systeme de correspondance de couleurs Microsoft
icmw_32.dll = MotionWavelets Video Codec
icwdial.dll = Numeroteur automatique de l'Assistant Connexion Internet
icwphbk.dll = Assistant Connexion Internet
idq.dll = Extension ISAPI du service d'indexation
idvcodec.dll = DV VfW driver
ieakeng.dll = Bibliotheque de moteurs de IEAK
ieaksie.dll = Extension de composant logiciel enfichable Internet Explorer pour une strategie de groupe
ieakui.dll = DLL d'interface utilisateur partagee Microsoft IEAK
iedkcs32.dll = DLL de personnalisation de Microsoft Internet Explorer
iepeers.dll = Objets pairs Internet Explorer
iernonce.dll = Traitement de RunOnce complet avec interface utilisateur
iesetup.dll = IOD Version Map
ifmon.dll = DLL Moniteur IF
ifsutil.dll = IFS Utility DLL
igmpagnt.dll = Microsoft IGMP subagent
iissuba.dll = Microsoft IIS sub-authentication handler
ils.dll = User Location Services Component Module
imagehlp.dll = Windows NT Image Helper
imagr5.dll = ImagXpress Image Processing DLL
imagx5.dll = ImagXpress Image Processing DLL
imagxpr5.dll = ImagXpress v5.0
imeshare.dll = Microsoft Office IME Shared property library.
imgutil.dll = IE plugin image decoder support DLL
imm32.dll = Windows XP IMM32 API Client DLL
inetcfg.dll = Bibliotheque de l'Assistant Connexion Internet
inetcomm.dll = Microsoft Internet Messaging API
inetcplc.dll = Panneau de configuration Internet
inetmib1.dll = Microsoft MIB-II subagent
inetpp.dll = DLL du service d'impression Internet
inetppui.dll = DLL du client d'impression Internet
inetres.dll = Ressources API de Microsoft Internet Messaging
inetwh32.dll = INETWH32
infosoft.dll = Wordbreaker and stemmer dll
initpki.dll = Installation et configuration de Microsoft Trust
inked.dll = Microsoft Tablet PC Platform Component
input.dll = DLL d'entree de texte
inseng.dll = Moteur d'installation
iologmsg.dll = DLL de journalisation des E/S
ip6fwapi.dll = IPv6 Firewall API Set
ip6fwcfg.dll = Firewall Configuration Helper DLL
ip6fwhlp.dll = Microsoft IPv6 Firewall Helper Components
iphlpapi.dll = API de l'application d'assistance IP
ipmontr.dll = DLL Moniteur de routeur IP
ipnathlp.dll = Composants de l'application d'assistance a Microsoft NAT
ippromon.dll = DLL du Moniteur de protocoles IP
iprop.dll = OLE PropertySet Implementation
iprtprio.dll = IP Routing Protocol Priority DLL
iprtrmgr.dll = Gestionnaire de routeur IP
ipsecsnp.dll = Composant enfichable pour Microsoft Windows 2000 du Gestionnaire de la strategie de securite pour le protocole Internet
ipsecsvc.dll = DLL de Windows IPSec SPD serveur
ipsmsnap.dll = Composant logiciel enfichable Moniteur de securite IP
ipv6mon.dll = DLL Moniteur IF
ipxmontr.dll = DLL du Moniteur de routeur IPX
ipxpromn.dll = DLL du Moniteur de routeur IPX
ipxrip.dll = IPX RIP
ipxrtmgr.dll = IPX ROUTER MANAGER
ipxsap.dll = SAP Agent DLL
ipxwan.dll = IPXWAN
ir21_r.dll =
ir32_32.dll = Intel Indeo(R) Video R3.2 32-bit Driver
ir41_32.dll = Intel Indeo(R) Video Interactive 32-bit Driver
ir41_qc.dll = Intel Indeo® Video Interactive Quick Compressor
ir41_qcx.dll = Intel Indeo® Video Interactive Quick Compressor
ir50_32.dll = Intel Indeo® video 5.11
ir50_lcs.dll = Intel Indeo® video 5.0 LC
ir50_qc.dll = Intel Indeo® video 5.10 Quick Compressor
ir50_qcx.dll = Intel Indeo® video 5.10 Quick Compressor
irclass.dll = Co-installateur de classe Infrarouge
isign32.dll = Processus d'abonnement a Internet
isrdbg32.dll = ISR Debug 32-bit Engine
itircl.dll = Microsoft® InfoTech IR Local DLL
itss.dll = Microsoft® InfoTech Storage System Library
iuctl.dll = Windows Update Client Control
iuengine.dll = Windows Update Control Engine
ixsso.dll = Objet cote serveur du service d'indexation
iyuv_32.dll = Intel Indeo(R) Video YUV Codec
iyvu9_32.dll = Intel Indeo® Video Raw 1.2
jet500.dll = JET Engine DLL
jgaw400.dll = JG Audio Interface DLL
jgdw400.dll = JG ART DLL
jgmd400.dll = JG MIDI Player DLL
jgpl400.dll = JG ART Player DLL
jgsd400.dll = JG ART DLL
jgsh400.dll = JG Slide Show Player DLL
jobexec.dll = Executeur de tache Active Setup
jscript.dll = Microsoft (r) JScript
jsfr.dll = Microsoft (r) JScript - Ressources internationales
jsproxy.dll = JScript Proxy Auto-Configuration
kbdal.dll = Albania Keyboard Layout
kbdaze.dll = Azerbaijan_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout
kbdazel.dll = Azeri-Latin Keyboard Layout
kbdbe.dll = Belgian Keyboard Layout
kbdbene.dll = Belgian Dutch Keyboard Layout
kbdblr.dll = Belarusian Keyboard Layout
kbdbr.dll = Brazilian Keyboard Layout
kbdbu.dll = Bulgarian Keyboard Layout
kbdca.dll = Canadian Multilingual Keyboard Layout
kbdcan.dll = Canadian National Standard Keyboard Layout
kbdcr.dll = Croatian/Slovenian Keyboard Layout
kbdcz.dll = Czech Keyboard Layout
kbdcz1.dll = Czech_101 Keyboard Layout
kbdcz2.dll = Czech_Programmer's Keyboard Layout
kbdda.dll = Danish Keyboard Layout
kbddv.dll = Dvorak US English Keyboard Layout
kbdes.dll = Spanish Alernate Keyboard Layout
kbdest.dll = Estonia Keyboard Layout
kbdfc.dll = Canadian French Keyboard Layout
kbdfi.dll = Finnish Keyboard Layout
kbdfo.dll = Færoese Keyboard Layout
kbdfr.dll = French Keyboard Layout
kbdgae.dll = Gaelic Keyboard Layout
kbdgkl.dll = Greek_Latin Keyboard Layout
kbdgr.dll = German Keyboard Layout
kbdgr1.dll = German_IBM Keyboard Layout
kbdhe.dll = Greek Keyboard Layout
kbdhe220.dll = Greek IBM 220 Keyboard Layout
kbdhe319.dll = Greek IBM 319 Keyboard Layout
kbdhela2.dll = Greek IBM 220 Latin Keyboard Layout
kbdhela3.dll = Greek IBM 319 Latin Keyboard Layout
kbdhept.dll = Greek_Polytonic Keyboard Layout
kbdhu.dll = Hungarian Keyboard Layout
kbdhu1.dll = Hungarian 101-key Keyboard Layout
kbdic.dll = Icelandic Keyboard Layout
kbdir.dll = Irish Keyboard Layout
kbdit.dll = Italian Keyboard Layout
kbdit142.dll = Italian 142 Keyboard Layout
kbdkaz.dll = Kazak_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout
kbdkyr.dll = Kyrgyz Keyboard Layout
kbdla.dll = Latin-American Spanish Keyboard Layout
kbdlt.dll = Lithuania Keyboard Layout
kbdlt1.dll = Lithuanian Keyboard Layout
kbdlv.dll = Latvia Keyboard Layout
kbdlv1.dll = Latvia-QWERTY Keyboard Layout
kbdmac.dll = FYROMacedonian_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout
kbdmon.dll = Mongolian Keyboard Layout
kbdne.dll = Dutch Keyboard Layout
kbdnec.dll = JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for (NEC PC-9800)
kbdno.dll = Norwegian Keyboard Layout
kbdpl.dll = Polish Keyboard Layout
kbdpl1.dll = Polish Programmer's Keyboard Layout
kbdpo.dll = Portuguese Keyboard Layout
kbdro.dll = Romanian Keyboard Layout
kbdru.dll = Russian Keyboard Layout
kbdru1.dll = Russia(Typewriter) Keyboard Layout
kbdsf.dll = Swiss French Keyboard Layout
kbdsg.dll = Swiss German Keyboard Layout
kbdsl.dll = Slovak Keyboard Layout
kbdsl1.dll = Slovak(QWERTY) Keyboard Layout
kbdsp.dll = Spanish Keyboard Layout
kbdsw.dll = Swedish Keyboard Layout
kbdtat.dll = Tatar_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout
kbdtuf.dll = Turkish F Keyboard Layout
kbdtuq.dll = Turkish Q Keyboard Layout
kbduk.dll = United Kingdom Keyboard Layout
kbdur.dll = Ukrainian Keyboard Layout
kbdus.dll = United States Keyboard Layout
kbdusl.dll = Dvorak Left-Hand US English Keyboard Layout
kbdusr.dll = Dvorak Right-Hand US English Keyboard Layout
kbdusx.dll = US Multinational Keyboard Layout
kbduzb.dll = Uzbek_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout
kbdycc.dll = Serbian_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout
kbdycl.dll = Serbian_Latin Keyboard Layout
kd1394.dll = Kernel Debugger IEEE 1394 HW Extension DLL
kdcom.dll = Kernel Debugger HW Extension DLL
kerberos.dll = Kerberos Security Package
kernel32.dll = DLL du client API BASE Windows NT
keymgr.dll = Noms et mots de passe utilisateur enregistres
kmvidc32.dll =
ksuser.dll = User CSA Library
kzdesktop.dll = KzDesktop Module
langwrbk.dll = English wordbreaker
laprxy.dll = Windows Media Logagent Proxy
lcodccmp.dll = LEAD MCMP/MJPEG Codec
lfbmp11n.dll = LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
lfcmp10n.dll = LEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
lfcmp11n.dll = LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
lfpng11n.dll = LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
lfwmf11n.dll = LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
libfaad.dll =
licdll.dll = Module licdll
licmgr10.dll = ActiveX License Manager
licwmi.dll = Windows Product Activation Configuration WMI provider
linkinfo.dll = Windows Volume Tracking
lmhsvc.dll = TCPIP NetBios Transport Services DLL
lmrt.dll = Liquid Motion Runtime Control
loadperf.dll = Compteurs de performance Charger & decharger
localsec.dll = Composant MMC Utilisateurs et groupes locaux
localspl.dll = DLL de spouleur local
localui.dll = DLL d'interface utilisateur du moniteur local
loghours.dll = Boite de dialogue de planification
lpk.dll = Language Pack
lprhelp.dll = LPR Print Monitor
lprmonui.dll = Interface utilisateur du moniteur d'impression LPR
lsasrv.dll = DLL serveur LSA
ltdis10n.dll = LEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
ltdis11n.dll = LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
ltefx10n.dll = LEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
ltfil10n.dll = LEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
ltfil11n.dll = LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
ltimg10n.dll = LEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
ltimg11n.dll = LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
ltkrn10n.dll = LEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
ltkrn11n.dll = LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
lttwn10n.dll = LEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
lz32.dll = LZ Expand/Compress API DLL
lzexpand.dll = Windows file expansion library
m3jp2k32.dll = Morgan M-JPEG2000 VFW codec
m3jpeg32.dll = Morgan Multimedia M-JPEG V3 codec
ma32.dll =
mabryobj.dll = Mabry StreamObjects Module
macd32.dll = MACD32 DLL
mag_hook.dll = Microsoft Magnifier hook library file
malslib.dll = MALSLIB.DLL
mamc32.dll = MAMC32 DLL
mapi32.dll = Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT
mapistub.dll = Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT
masd32.dll =
mase32.dll =
mcastmib.dll = Microsoft Multicast subagent
mcd32.dll = OpenGL MCD Client DLL
mcdsrv32.dll = MCD Server
mcdvd_32.dll = MainConcept DV Codec
mchgrcoi.dll = Medium Changer CoInstaller
mciavi32.dll = Pilote MCI Video for Windows
mcicda.dll = Pilote MCI pour peripheriques CD audio
mciole16.dll = MCIOLE16 - OLE Handler DLL for MCI Objects
mciole32.dll = MCI OLE DLL
mciqtz32.dll = DirectShow MCI Driver
mciseq.dll = Pilote MCI pour sequenceur MIDI
mciwave.dll = Pilote MCI pour formes d'ondes audio
mcmjpg32.dll = MainConcept MJPG Video Codec
mdhcp.dll = Interface COM client MDHCP Microsoft
mdminst.dll = Installateur de classes de modems
mdwmdmsp.dll = WMDM Service Provider driver for MDM Drivers
mf3216.dll = 32-bit to 16-bit Metafile Conversion DLL
mfc40.dll = MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc40loc.dll = MFC Language Specific Resources
mfc40u.dll = MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc42.dll = MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc42fra.dll = MFC Language Specific Resources
mfc42loc.dll = MFC Language Specific Resources
mfc42u.dll = MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc70.dll = MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc70u.dll = MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfcsubs.dll = COM Services
mgmtapi.dll = Microsoft SNMP Manager API (uses WinSNMP)
midimap.dll = Mappeur MIDI Microsoft
miglibnt.dll = NT migration dll support
mimefilt.dll = Microsoft (R) IMimeFilter Persistent Handler DLL
mindex.dll = Microsoft Media Index
mirodv16un.dll = miroDV16un.dll =
mirodv2avi.dll = miroDV2avi.dll =
mirodv4un.dll = miroDV4un.dll =
mirodvenc.dll = miroDVenc.dll = (for Multi Media eXtensions)
mirodvun.dll = miroDVun.dll =
miroxl32.dll = miroVIDEO-XL 32-bit AVI Codec
mj2desc.dll = Morgan MJP2 Shell Extension
mlang.dll = Multi Language Support DLL
mll_hp.dll = HP Media Label Library
mll_mtf.dll = MTF (Microsoft Tape Format) Media Label Library
mll_qic.dll = QIC113 Media Label Library
mmcbase.dll = DLL de base MMC
mmcndmgr.dll = DLL du Gestionnaire de nœud MMC
mmcshext.dll = MMC Shell Extension DLL
mmdrv.dll = MultiMedia Kernel support Driver
mmfutil.dll = Application d'assistance du composant de logiciel enfichable WMI
mmijg32.dll = MMIJG32
mmsystem.dll = API systeme pour le multimedia
mmtvmj.dll = MM TVMJ DLL
mmutilse.dll = Microsoft Multimedia Controls Utilities
mnmdd.dll = Application Sharing Display Driver
mobsync.dll = Gestionnaire de synchronisation Microsoft
modemui.dll = Proprietes du modem Windows
modex.dll = ModeX Display Driver
moricons.dll = Windows NT Setup Icon Resources Library
mp43dmod.dll = Windows Media MPEG-4 Video Decoder
mp4sdmod.dll = Corona Windows Media MPEG-4 S Video Decoder
mpegdecoder.dll = mpegdecoder Module
mpg4c32.dll = MPEG-4 Video Codec
mpg4dmod.dll = Corona Windows Media MPEG-4 Video Decoder
mplaa6.dll = MPL Audio Library
mplam6.dll = MPL Audio Library
mplapx.dll = MPL Audio Library
mplaw7.dll = MPL Audio Library
mplva6.dll = MPL Video Library
mplvm6.dll = MPL Video Library
mplvpx.dll = MPL Video Library
mplvw7.dll = MPL Video Library
mpr.dll = DLL de routeur de fournisseurs multiples
mprapi.dll = Windows NT MP Router Administration DLL
mprddm.dll = Superviseur du Gestionnaire de numerotation a la demande
mprdim.dll = Dynamic Interface Manager
mprmsg.dll = DLL message du service de routeur multi-protocole
mprui.dll = Fournisseur Multiple
mqad.dll = Windows NT MQ Client AD Access
mqcertui.dll = Windows NT Certificate Dialogs
mqdscli.dll = Windows NT MQ Client Directory Service
mqgentr.dll = MSMQ Trigger Generic Object
mqlogmgr.dll = MS DTC log manager DLL
mqoa.dll = Message Queuing ActiveX Interface
mqperf.dll = Windows NT MQ Performance Coutners
mqqm.dll = Windows NT MQ Queue Manager
mqrt.dll = Windows NT MQ Run time DLL
mqrtdep.dll = Message Queueing Dependent Client
mqsec.dll = Windows NT, MSMQ 2.0 Security
mqsnap.dll = Windows NT MSMQ Admin
mqtrig.dll = MSMQ Trigger Object Module
mqupgrd.dll = MSMQ Upgrade
mqutil.dll = DLL d'utilitaires Message Queuing Windows NT
msaatext.dll = Active Accessibility text support
msacm.dll = Gestionnaire de compression audio Microsoft
msacm32.dll = Filtre audio ACM Microsoft
msadce.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Cursor Engine
msadcer.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Ressources pour OLE DB Cursor Engine
msadcf.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Remote Data Services Data Factory
msadcfr.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Ressources pour Remote Data Services Data Factory
msadco.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Remote Data Services Data Control
msadcor.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Ressources de controle de donnees pour Remote Data Services
msadcs.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Remote Data Services ISAPI Library
msadds.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Data Shape Provider
msaddsr.dll = Microsoft data Access - Ressources fournisseur pour Data Shape OLE DB
msader15.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Ressources ADO (ActiveX Data Objects)
msado15.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects
msadomd.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects (Multi-Dimensional)
msador15.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects
msadox.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects Extensions
msadrh15.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects Rowset Helper
msafd.dll = Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider
msapsspc.dll = Client DPA pour plate-forme 32 bit
msasn1.dll = ASN.1 Runtime APIs
msaudite.dll = DLL des evenements d'audit de la securite
mscat32.dll = MSCAT32 Forwarder DLL
mscms.dll = Microsoft Color Matching System DLL
msconf.dll = Dll de l'utilitaire de conference
mscoree.dll = Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine
mscorier.dll = Microsoft .NET Runtime IE resources
mscories.dll = Microsoft .NET IE SECURITY REGISTRATION
mscpx32r.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Code Page Translator Resources
mscpxl32.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Traducteur de pages de codes ODBC
msctf.dll = DLL de MSCTF Server
msctfp.dll = MSCTFP Server DLL
msdadc.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Data Conversion Stub
msdaenum.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Root Enumerator Stub
msdaer.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Error Collection Stub
msdaerr.dll = Microsoft OLE DB Error Collection Localized Strings
msdaipp.dll = Microsoft Data Access Component Internet Publishing Provider
msdaora.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Provider for Oracle
msdaorar.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Fournisseur OLE DB pour ressources Oracle
msdaosp.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Simple Provider
msdapml.dll = SharePoint Portal Server executable
msdaprsr.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Ressources services pour Persistance OLE DB
msdaprst.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Persistence Services
msdaps.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Interface Proxies/Stubs
msdarem.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Remote Provider
msdaremr.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Ressources fournisseur pour OLE DB Remote
msdart.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Runtime Routines
msdasc.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Service Components Stub
msdasql.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
msdasqlr.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Provider pour les pilotes ODBC
msdatl.dll = Microsoft OLE DB Implementation support library
msdatl3.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Implementation Support Routines
msdatt.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Temporary Table Services
msdaurl.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB RootBinder Stub
msdfmap.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Data Factory Handler
msdmeng.dll = Microsoft Data Mining Engine
msdmine.dll = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Data Mining Services
msdmo.dll = DMO Runtime
msdtclog.dll = MS DTC log manager DLL
msdtcprx.dll = MS DTC OLE Transactions interface proxy DLL
msdtctm.dll = MS DTC transaction manager DLL
msdtcuiu.dll = MS DTC administrative component DLL
msdxmlc.dll = Lecteur Windows Media
msencode.dll = Microsoft Character Encoder
msexch40.dll = Microsoft Jet Exchange Isam
msexcl35.dll = Microsoft Jet Excel Isam
msexcl40.dll = Microsoft Jet Excel Isam
msftedit.dll = Rich Text Edit Control, v4.1
msgina.dll = Ouverture de session Windows NT GINA DLL
msgstrpc.dll = HPC Inbox Remote Database
msgsvc.dll = NT Messenger Service
mshtml.dll = Visionneuse HTML Microsoft (R)
mshtmled.dll = Composant d'edition HTML Microsoft (R)
mshtmler.dll = DLL de ressource du composant d'edition HTML Microsoft(R)
msi.dll = Windows Installer
msident.dll = Gestionnaire d'identite Microsoft
msidle.dll = User Idle Monitor
msidntld.dll = Gestionnaire d'identite Microsoft
msieftp.dll = Extension Shell dossier FTP Microsoft Internet Explorer.
msihnd.dll = Windows® installer
msimg32.dll = GDIEXT Client DLL
msimsg.dll = Windows® Installer International Messages
msimtf.dll = Active IMM Server DLL
msisam11.dll = Microsoft MSISAM 1.1
msisip.dll = MSI Signature SIP Provider
msjet35.dll = Microsoft Jet Engine Library
msjet40.dll = Microsoft Jet Engine Library
msjetoledb40.dll = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet
msjint35.dll = Microsoft Jet Database Engine International DLL
msjint40.dll = DLL internationale du moteur de base de donnees Microsoft Jet
msjro.dll = Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects
msjt4jlt.dll = Microsoft Jet Engine Library for Jolt
msjter35.dll = Microsoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL
msjter40.dll = Microsoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL
msjtes40.dll = Microsoft Jet Expression Service
mslbui.dll = Extension de barre de langues
msls2.dll = Microsoft Applications Line Services library file
msls31.dll = Microsoft Line Services library file
msltus35.dll = Microsoft Jet Lotus 1-2-3 Isam
msltus40.dll = Microsoft Jet Lotus 1-2-3 Isam
msmdcb80.dll = PivotTable Service dll
msmdgd80.dll = Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services driver
msmdun80.dll = String Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components
msnetobj.dll = DRM ActiveX Network Object
msnsspc.dll = Acces MSN Internet
msobjs.dll = Nom d'audit des objets systeme
msoeacct.dll = Gestionnaire de comptes Internet
msoert2.dll = Microsoft Outlook Express RT Lib
msolap80.dll = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Analysis Services 8.0
msolui80.dll = Microsoft OLE DB provider for Analysis Services connection dialog 8.0
msorc32r.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Pilote ODBC pour ressources Oracle
msorcl32.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver for Oracle
mspatcha.dll = Microsoft(R) Patch Engine
mspbde40.dll = Microsoft Jet Paradox Isam
mspdox35.dll = Microsoft Jet Paradox Isam
mspmsnsv.dll = Fournisseur de services de peripherique multimedia Microsoft
mspmsp.dll = Microsoft Media Device Service Provider
mspmspsv.dll = Fournisseur de services du peripherique media Microsoft
msports.dll = Installateur de classes de ports
msprivs.dll = Microsoft Privilege Translations
msprpfr.dll = msprop32.ocx
msr2c.dll = Microsoft® Forms DLL
msr2cenu.dll = Microsoft® Forms DLL
msratelc.dll = DLL de gestion d'utilisateur local et de controle d'acces a Internet
msrating.dll = DLL de gestion d'utilisateur local et de controle d'acces a Internet
msrclr40.dll = Microsoft Jet Briefcase Reconciler Library
msrd2x35.dll = Microsoft (R) Red ISAM
msrd2x40.dll = Microsoft (R) Red ISAM
msrd3x40.dll = Microsoft (R) Red ISAM
msrdo20.dll = MSRDO20 rdoEngine control
msrecr40.dll = Microsoft Jet Briefcase Reconciler Resource Library
msrepl35.dll = Microsoft Replication Library
msrepl40.dll = Microsoft Replication Library
msrle32.dll = Compresseur Microsoft RLE
mssap.dll = DRM
msscp.dll = Windows Media Secure Content Provider
mssign32.dll = API de signature approuvee Microsoft
mssip32.dll = MSSIP32 Forwarder DLL
msstdfmt.dll = Microsoft Standard Data Formating Object DLL
msstkprp.dll = msprop32.ocx
msswch.dll = msswch
mstask.dll = Fichier DLL d'interface du Planificateur de taches
mstext35.dll = Microsoft Jet Text Isam
mstext40.dll = Microsoft Jet Text Isam
mstime.dll = Extensions HTML Microsoft (R) Timed Interactive Multimedia
mstlsapi.dll = Microsoft® Terminal Server Licensing
mstscax.dll = Terminal Services ActiveX Client
msuni11.dll = Microsoft Jet Sort Tables
msutb.dll = DLL MSUTB Server
msv1_0.dll = Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0
msvbvm60.dll = Visual Basic Virtual Machine
msvci70.dll = Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library
msvcirt.dll = Windows NT IOStreams DLL
msvcp50.dll = Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library
msvcp60.dll = Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library
msvcp70.dll = Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library
msvcrt.dll = Windows NT CRT DLL
msvcrt20.dll = Microsoft® C Runtime Library
msvcrt40.dll = Microsoft (R) C Runtime Library Forwarder DLL
msvfw32.dll = DLL Microsoft Video for Windows
msvidc32.dll = Compresseur Microsoft Video 1
msvidctl.dll = ActiveX control for streaming video
msvideo.dll = DLL Microsoft Video for Windows
msw3prt.dll = DLL ISAPI pour l'impression web
mswdat10.dll = Microsoft Jet Sort Tables
mswebdvd.dll = Module MSWebDVD
mswmdm.dll = Gestionnaire de peripheriques Windows Media (principal)
mswsock.dll = Fournisseur de service Sockets 2.0 de Microsoft Windows
mswstr10.dll = Bibliotheque de tri de Microsoft Jet
msxactps.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Transaction Proxies/Stubs
msxbde40.dll = Microsoft Jet xBASE Isam
msxbse35.dll = Microsoft Jet xBase Isam
msxml.dll = XML OM for Win32
msxml2.dll = XML OM for Win32
msxml2r.dll = XML Resources for Win32
msxml3.dll = MSXML 3.0 SP 3
msxml3a.dll = XML Resources
msxml3r.dll = XML Resources
msxmlr.dll = XML Resources for Win32
msyuv.dll = Microsoft UYVY Video Decompressor
mtxclu.dll = MS DTC amd MTS clustering support DLL
mtxdm.dll = COM Services
mtxex.dll = COM Services
mtxlegih.dll = COM Services
mtxoci.dll = Microsoft database support DLL for Oracle
mycomput.dll = Gestion de l'ordinateur
mydocs.dll = Interface utilisateur du dossier Mes documents
n067ufw.dll = ScanGear Device Driver
narrhook.dll = Intercepteur du clavier et des evenements Windows pour le Narrateur Microsoft
ncobjapi.dll = Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ncxpnt.dll = Netork Setup Wizard Support DLL
nddeapi.dll = APIs de gestion du partage DDE reseau
nddenb32.dll = Interface NetBIOS de DDE reseau
netapi.dll = Bibliotheque de liens dynamiques reseau pour Microsoft Windows
netapi32.dll = Net Win32 API DLL
netcfgx.dll = Objets de configuration du reseau
netevent.dll = Manipulateur d'evenements reseau
netfxperf.dll = netfxperf.lib
neth.dll = DLL des messages d'aide reseau
netid.dll = Panneau de configuration Systeme ; onglet Identification
netlogon.dll = Net Logon Services DLL
netman.dll = Gestionnaire de connexions reseau
netmsg.dll = DLL des messages reseaux
netplwiz.dll = Assistant Connexion a des lecteurs ou des emplacements reseau
netrap.dll = Net Remote Admin Protocol DLL
netshell.dll = Noyau des Connexions reseau
netui0.dll = Code commun NT LM UI - Classes GUI
netui1.dll = NT LM UI Common Code - Networking classes
netui2.dll = Code commun NT LM UI - Classes GUI
newdev.dll = Bibliotheque d'ajout de peripherique materiel
nlhtml.dll = Net Library HTML filter
nmevtmsg.dll = DLL d'enregistrement d'evenements NetMeeting
nmmkcert.dll = Bibliotheque NMMKCERT
npptools.dll = DLL de l’utilitaire d’assistance des outils NPP
npwmsdrm.dll = Windows Multimedia Services DRM Store Plug-In
nscmps.dll = Windows Media Station Service Administration Proxy/Stub
nserror.dll = Windows Media Services Error Definitions
ntcodec.dll = NewTek, AVI Compressor
ntdll.dll = DLL Couche NT
ntdsapi.dll = NT5DS
ntdsbcli.dll = NT5DS
ntlanman.dll = Gestionnaire de reseau local Microsoft®
ntlanui.dll = DLL de controle LanMan
ntlanui2.dll = Interface utilisateur
ntlsapi.dll = Microsoft® License Server Interface DLL
ntmarta.dll = Fournisseur MARTA Windows NT
ntmsapi.dll = Interfaces publiques de stockage amovible
ntmsdba.dll = API d'objet DB de gestion de stockage amovible
ntmsevt.dll = Journal des evenements du stockage amovible
ntmsmgr.dll = Gestion du stockage amovible
ntmssvc.dll = Gestionnaire de stockage amovible
ntprint.dll = DLL d'installation de spouleur
ntsdexts.dll = Symbolic Debugger Extensions
ntshrui.dll = Extensions de l'interpreteur de commandes pour le partage
ntvdmd.dll = NTVDMD.DLL
nv4.dll = NVIDIA Compatible Windows XP Display Driver, Version 12.40.20
nv4_disp.dll = NVIDIA Compatible Windows 2000 Display driver, Version 53.03
nvcod.dll = NVIDIA Driver CoInstaller
nvcodins.dll = NVIDIA Driver CoInstaller
nvcpl.dll = NVIDIA Display Properties Extension
nvinstnt.dll = NVIDIA Compatible Driver Install Library, Version 53.03
nvmctray.dll = NVIDIA Media Center Library
nvnt4cpl.dll = NVIDIA Desktop Explorer, Version 53.03
nvoglnt.dll = NVIDIA Compatible OpenGL ICD
nvwddi.dll = NVIDIA nView Display Driver Interface Lib, Version 53.03
nvwdmcpl.dll = NVIDIA nView Control Panel, Version 53.03
nwapi16.dll = NW Windows/Dos API DLL
nwapi32.dll = NW Win32 API DLL
nwcfg.dll = NWC Configuration DLL
nwevent.dll = Messages d'evenements pour le Service client pour NetWare
nwprovau.dll = Service client pour le fournisseur NetWare et DLL d'authentification
nwwks.dll = Client Service for Netware
oakley.dll = Gestionnaire de cle Oakley
objsel.dll = Dialogue du Selecteur d'objet
occache.dll = Object Control Viewer
ocmanage.dll = Bibliotheque du Gestionnaire de composants facultatifs
odbc16gt.dll = Microsoft ODBC Driver Generic Thunk
odbc32.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager
odbc32gt.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Generic Thunk
odbcbcp.dll = Microsoft BCP for ODBC
odbcconf.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Configuration Program
odbccp32.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Installer
odbccr32.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Cursor Library
odbccu32.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Cursor Library
odbcint.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Ressources ODBC
odbcji32.dll = Microsoft ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5
odbcjt32.dll = Microsoft ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5
odbcp32r.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager Resources
odbcstf.dll = ODBC Version 3.0 Custom Action Setup DLL
odbctl32.dll = ODBC Helper Function DLL
odbctrac.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager Trace
oddbse32.dll = ODBC (3.0) driver for DBase
odexl32.dll = ODBC (3.0) driver for Excel
odfox32.dll = ODBC (3.0) driver for FoxPro
odpdx32.dll = ODBC (3.0) driver for Paradox
odtext32.dll = ODBC (3.0) driver for text files
offfilt.dll = OffFilt
ogg.dll =
oggds.dll = Ogg DirectShow(tm) Filter Collection
ole2.dll = OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
ole2disp.dll = OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
ole2nls.dll = OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
ole32.dll = Microsoft OLE pour Windows
oleacc.dll = Active Accessibility Core Component
oleaccrc.dll = Active Accessibility Resource DLL
oleaut32.dll = Microsoft OLE 3.50 for Windows NT(TM) and Windows 95(TM) Operating Systems
olecli.dll = Bibliotheque client de liaison et incorporation d'objets (OLE)
olecli32.dll = Bibliotheque client OLE
olecnv32.dll = Microsoft OLE for Windows
oledb32.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Core Services
oledb32r.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Ressources des services OLE DB Core
oledlg.dll = Prise en charge de l'interface utilisateur pour Microsoft Windows(TM) OLE 2.0
oleprn.dll = Oleprn DLL
olepro32.dll = Microsoft (R) OLE Property Support DLL
olesvr.dll = Object Linking and Embedding Server Library
olesvr32.dll = Object Linking and Embedding Server Library
olethk32.dll = Microsoft OLE for Windows
opengl32.dll = OpenGL Client DLL
openquicktimelib.dll =
osuninst.dll = Interface de desinstallation
qasf.dll = DirectShow ASF Support
qcap.dll = Module d'execution DirectShow.
qcut.dll = DirectShow Runtime.
qdcsinet.dll = Norton Internet File Cleanup Library
qdv.dll = Module d'execution DirectShow.
qdvd.dll = DirectShow DVD PlayBack Runtime.
qedit.dll = Edition DirectShow.
qedwipes.dll = DirectShow Editing SMPTE Wipes
qmgr.dll = Service de transfert intelligent en arriere-plan
qmgrprxy.dll = Background Intelligent Transfer Service Proxy
qosname.dll = Microsoft Windows GetQosByName Service Provider
qpeg32.dll = QPEG® Video Codec 1.1 by Q-Team Dr. Knabe GmbH
quartz.dll = Module d'execution DirectShow.
query.dll = Bibliotheque de requete et d'indexation de Index Server
racpldlg.dll = Assistance a distance Microsoft
rapi.dll = Mobile Device Remote API
rasadhlp.dll = Remote Access AutoDial Helper
rasapi32.dll = API d'Acces reseau a distance
rasauto.dll = Remote Access AutoDial Manager
raschap.dll = Remote Access PPP CHAP
rasctrs.dll = DLL de compteur de performances d'acces distant Windows NT
rasdlg.dll = API de dialogues communs pour les acces distants
rasman.dll = Remote Access Connection Manager
rasmans.dll = Remote Access Connection Manager
rasmontr.dll = DLL Moniteur RAS
rasmxs.dll = Remote Access Device DLL for modems, PADs and switches
rasppp.dll = Remote Access PPP
rasrad.dll = Remote Access Service NT RADIUS client module
rassapi.dll = Remote Access Admin APIs dll
rasser.dll = Remote Access Media DLL for COM ports
rastapi.dll = Remote Access TAPI Compliance Layer
rastls.dll = Acces distant PPP EAP-TLS
rcbdyctl.dll = Assistance a distance Microsoft
rdchost.dll = RDSHost Client Module
rdocurs.dll = Microsoft RDO Client Cursor DLL
rdpcfgex.dll = Extension de configuration de connexion Terminal Server pour protocole RDP
rdpdd.dll = RDP Display Driver
rdpsnd.dll = Pilote multimedia du service Terminal Server
rdpwsx.dll = RDP Extension DLL
regacad.dll = RegAcad
regapi.dll = Registry Configuration APIs
regsvc.dll = Remote Registry Service
regwizc.dll = Module RegWizCtrl
remotepg.dll = Extension du Panneau de configuration Sessions distantes
rend.dll = Microsoft Rendezvous Control
resutils.dll = Microsoft Cluster Resource Utility DLL
riched20.dll = Rich Text Edit Control, v3.0
riched32.dll = Wrapper Dll for Richedit 1.0
rmoc3260.dll = Real Player(tm) ActiveX Control
rmp4.dll =
rnr20.dll = Windows Socket2 NameSpace DLL
roboex32.dll = RoboHELP Extensions for WinHelp
routetab.dll = Microsoft Routing Table DLL
rpcns4.dll = Remote Procedure Call Name Service Client
rpcrt4.dll = Remote Procedure Call Runtime
rpcss.dll = Distributed COM Services
rsaenh.dll = Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider
rsfsaps.dll = FSA Proxy / Stub
rshx32.dll = Extension noyau de securite
rsmps.dll = RSM Proxy Stub
rsvpmsg.dll = DLL de messages RSVP
rsvpperf.dll = Microsoft® Windows(TM) RSVP Performance Monitor
rsvpsp.dll = Microsoft Windows Rsvp 1.0 Service Provider
rtcdll.dll = Fichier DLL de l'agent utilisateur RTC
rtcres.dll = RTC Resource DLL
rtipxmib.dll = Microsoft Router IPX MIB subagent
rtm.dll = Routing Table Manager
rtmjpgcdc.dll = Dual stream codec component
rtutils.dll = Routing Utilities
rududu.dll = Rududu video codec
s32evnt1.dll = Symantec Event Library
s32stat.dll = Symantec Drive Status Library
safrcdlg.dll = Controles Fichier/Ouvrir et Enregistrer de l'assistance a distance Microsoft PCHealth
safrdm.dll = Gestionnaire du bureau du centre d'Aide Microsoft
safrslv.dll = Microsoft Help Center Session Resolver
samlib.dll = SAM Library DLL
samsrv.dll = DLL Serveur SAM
sbe.dll = DirectShow Stream Buffer Filter.
sbeio.dll = Stream Buffer IO DLL
scarddlg.dll = SCardDlg - Boite de dialogue commune de Smart Card
scardssp.dll = Smart Card Base Service Providers
sccbase.dll = Infineon SICRYPT® Base Smart Card CSP
sccsccp.dll = Objets COM fournisseur de cryptographie pour cartes a puce Infineon SICRYPT®
scecli.dll = Moteur du client de l'Editeur de configuration de securite Windows
scesrv.dll = Moteur de l'Editeur de configuration de securite Windows
schannel.dll = TLS / SSL Security Provider
schedsvc.dll = Moteur du Planificateur de taches
sclgntfy.dll = DLL secondaire de notification de service d'ouverture de session
scofr.dll = Ressources de Windows Script Component (r)
scp32.dll = Code Page Translation Library
scredir.dll = Smart Card Redirection for TS
scripto.dll = Microsoft ScriptO
scriptpw.dll = ScriptPW Module
scrobj.dll = Windows (r) Script Component Runtime
scrrnfr.dll = Ressources internationales de l'executable Script Microsoft (r)
scrrun.dll = Microsoft (r) Script Runtime
sdpblb.dll = Microsoft Sdpblb
seclogon.dll = DLL de service d'ouverture de session secondaire
secur32.dll = Security Support Provider Interface
security.dll = Security Support Provider Interface
sendcmsg.dll = Envoyer un message de console
sendmail.dll = Envoi du message
sens.dll = System Event Notification Service (SENS)
sensapi.dll = SENS Connectivity API DLL
senscfg.dll = SENS Setup/Setup Tool
serialui.dll = Pages de proprietes du port serie
servdeps.dll = WMI Snapins
serwvdrv.dll = Pilote son serie Unimodem
setupapi.dll = Installation de L'API Windows
setupdll.dll = Bibliotheque dynamique du programme d'installation de Windows 2000
sfc.dll = Windows File Protection
sfc_os.dll = Protection de fichiers Windows
sfcfiles.dll = Windows 2000 System File Checker
sfmapi.dll = Windows NT Macintosh File Service Client
sg62cpl.dll = ScanGear Control Panel Interface
sg62uud.dll = ScanGear Universal Scanner Driver
shdoclc.dll = Bibliotheque d'objets et de controles de documents de l'environnement
shdocvw.dll = Bibliotheque d'objets et de controles de documents de l'environnement
shell.dll = Windows Shell library
shell32.dll = DLL commune du shell Windows
shellstyle.dll = DLL des ressources de style Windows Shell
shfolder.dll = Shell Folder Service
shgina.dll = Windows Shell User Logon
shimeng.dll = Shim Engine DLL
shimgvw.dll = Apercu des images et des telecopies Windows
shlwapi.dll = Bibliotheque d'utilitaires legers du Shell
shmedia.dll = Extension de l'interface d'extraction des proprietes des fichiers multimedia
shscrap.dll = Gestionnaire d'objets bribes de l'environnement
shsvcs.dll = Dll des services Windows Shell
sierranw.dll = SIGS DLL
sigtab.dll = Parametres d'integrite de fichiers
simonw32.dll = SIMON WIN32 Shared Component
sisbkup.dll = Single-Instance Store Backup Support Functions
skdll.dll = Serial Keys
slayerxp.dll = Fichier DLL d'extension de l'onglet Compatibilite
slbcsp.dll = Schlumberger Smart Card CryptoAPI Library
slbiop.dll = Schlumberger Smart Card Interoperability Library v2
slbrccsp.dll = Fichier de ressources CryptoAPI de la carte a puce Schlumberger
smackw32.dll = Smacker Video Technology
smlogcfg.dll = Composant logiciel enfichable Journaux et alertes de l'Analyseur de performances
snmpapi.dll = SNMP Utility Library
snmpsnap.dll = Composant logiciel enfichable SNMP
snwvalid.dll = SIGS DLL
softpub.dll = Softpub Forwarder DLL
sonydv.dll = Video for Windows driver for DV
sonydvau.dll = Sony Software Codec DLL
sonydvm2.dll = Sony Software Codec DLL
sonydvvd.dll = Sony Software Codec DLL
sonydvve.dll = Sony Software Codec DLL
spmsg.dll = Messages du Service Pack
spnike.dll = MDM Device Interface for Nike device.
spoolss.dll = Spooler SubSystem DLL
sprio600.dll = MDM Device Interface for Rio 600 device.
sprio800.dll = MDM Device Interface for Rio 800 device.
spxcoins.dll = Specialix MPS NT Upgrade CoInstaller
sqloledb.dll = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
sqlsrv32.dll = Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver
sqlunirl.dll = String Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components
sqlwid.dll = Unicode Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components
sqlwoa.dll = Unicode/ANSI Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components
sqlxmlx.dll = Microsoft XML extensions for SQL Server
srclient.dll = Dll du client SR
srrstr.dll = Bibliotheque d'operations Restauration du systeme
srsvc.dll = Service de restauration du systeme
srvsvc.dll = Server Service DLL
ssdpapi.dll = SSDP Client API DLL
ssdpsrv.dll = SSDP Service DLL
stci.dll =
stclient.dll = COM Services
sti.dll = DLL client de peripheriques d'images fixes
sti_ci.dll = Installateur de classes d'images fixes
stobject.dll = Objet du service d'environnement Systray
storage.dll = OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
storprop.dll = Pages de proprietes pour les peripheriques de stockage
streamci.dll = Streaming Device Class Installer
strmdll.dll = Windows Media Services Streamer Dll
svcpack.dll = Windows 2000 Service Pack Setup
swcdvvfw.dll = Matrox Software Dv Codec DLL
swcjpegvfw.dll = Matrox Software JPEG Codec DLL
swcmpegvfw.dll = Matrox MPEG-2 codec
swprv.dll = Fournisseur logiciel du service Microsoft® de cliche instantane des volumes
sxs.dll = Fusion 2.5
symredir.dll = Symantec Redirector Interface
symstore.dll = Settings Storage DLL
synceng.dll = Windows Briefcase Engine
syncui.dll = Porte-documents Windows
sysinv.dll = Inventaire du systeme Windows
syssetup.dll = Installation du systeme Windows NT
t2embed.dll = t2embed
tapi.dll = Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony Server16
tapi3.dll = Microsoft TAPI3
tapi32.dll = DLL Client de l'API Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephonie
tapiperf.dll = Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony Performance Monitor
tapisrv.dll = Serveur de telephonie Microsoft® Windows(TM)
tapiui.dll = DLL de l'interface utilisateur de l'API de telephonie Microsoft® Windows(TM)
tcpmib.dll = Standard TCP/IP Port Monitor Helper DLL
tcpmon.dll = DLL moniteur de port standard TCP/IP
tcpmonui.dll = DLL interface utilisateur moniteur de port standard TCP/IP
tekyuv.dll =
templman.dll = Xara Wizard Template Manipulator
templop.dll = TemplOp Module
termmgr.dll = Gestionnaire de terminal Microsoft TAPI3
termsrv.dll = Service Terminal Server
themeui.dll = API Windows Theme
tlntsvrp.dll = Microsoft Telnet Server Proxy Stub
toolhelp.dll = Windows Debug/Tool helper library
traffic.dll = Microsoft Traffic Control 1.0 DLL
trkwks.dll = Distributed Link Tracking Client
tsappcmp.dll = Terminal Services Application Compatibility DLL
tsbyuv.dll = Toshiba Video Codec
tsccvid.dll = TechSmith Screen Capture Codec
tscfgwmi.dll = Fournisseur d'infrastructure WMI de configuration des services Terminal Server
tsd32.dll = DSP Group TrueSpeech(TM) Audio Encoder & Decoder
tsddd.dll = Framebuffer Display Driver
tx_htm32.dll = TX Text Control Filter for HTML Format
tx_rtf32.dll = TX Text Control Filter for Rich Text Format
tx_word.dll = TX Text Control Filter for Word Format
tx32.dll = TX Text Control core component
txflog.dll = Simple Kernel-mode File-based Log
txobj32.dll = TX Text Control OLE container library
txtls32.dll = Tool Bars for TX Text Control
typelib.dll = OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
ucs32p.dll = ColorGear 32bit dll
udhisapi.dll = UPnP Device Host ISAPI Extension
ufat.dll = FAT Utility DLL
uicom.dll = Common UI and utility functions
ulib.dll = DLL de gestion des utilitaires de fichiers
umandlg.dll = UManDlg DLL
umdmxfrm.dll = Unimodem Tranform Module
umpnpmgr.dll = Service mode utilisateur de Plug-and-Play
unimdmat.dll = Mini-pilote AT fournisseur de service Unimodem
uniplat.dll = Unimodem AT Mini Driver Platform Driver for Windows NT
unrar.dll =
untfs.dll = NTFS Utility DLL
upnp.dll = Universal Plug and Play API
upnphost.dll = Hote de peripherique UPnP
upnpui.dll = Moniteur et dossier UPNP Tray
ureg.dll = Registry Utility DLL
url.dll = Raccourci Internet DLL d'extension du shell
urlmon.dll = Extensions OLE32 pour Win32
usbmon.dll = Standard Dynamic Printing Port Monitor DLL
usbui.dll = DLL de l'interface utilisateur USB
user32.dll = DLL client de l'API Utilisateur de Windows XP
userenv.dll = Userenv
usp10.dll = Uniscribe Unicode script processor
usrcntra.dll = 3ccntry
usrcoina.dll = U.S. Robotics modem coinstaller
usrdpa.dll = U.S. Robotics data pump manager
usrdtea.dll = 3cdte
usrfaxa.dll = 3cfax
usrlbva.dll = 3clbv
usrrtosa.dll = 3crtos
usrsdpia.dll = 3csdpi
usrsvpia.dll = 3csvpi
usrv42a.dll = 3cv42
usrv80a.dll = 3cv80
usrvoica.dll = 3cvoice
usrvpa.dll = U.S. Robotics voice pump
utildll.dll = DLL de prise en charge de l'utilitaire WinStation
uxtheme.dll = Bibliotheque de themes Ux Microsoft
vb5db.dll = Visual Basic ICursor Interface Library
vb6fr.dll = Ressources internationales de l'environnement Visual Basic
vb6stkit.dll = Visual Basic Setup Toolkit Library DLL
vbajet32.dll = Visual Basic for Applications Development Environment - Expression Service Loader
vbame.dll = VBA : Middle East Support
vbar332.dll = Visual Basic for Applications Runtime - Expression Service
vboxb410.dll = Vbox Broker 4.1
vboxp410.dll = Vbox Compression 4.1
vboxs.dll = Vbox SDK Client DLL
vboxt410.dll = Vbox Client 4.1
vbscript.dll = Microsoft (r) VBScript
vbsfr.dll = Microsoft (r) VBScript - Ressources internationales
vcdex.dll = 32-bit MSCDEX Virtual Device Driver
vdmdbg.dll = VDMDBG.DLL
vdmredir.dll = Virtual Dos Machine Network Interface Library
ver.dll = Bibliotheques de verification des versions et d'installation de fichiers
verifier.dll = Standard application verifier provider dll
version.dll = Version Checking and File Installation Libraries
vfcodec.dll = ? ??
vfpodbc.dll = vfpodbc
vfwwdm32.dll = Pilote VfW MM pour peripheriques de capture video WDM
vga.dll = VGA 16 Colour Display Driver
vga256.dll = 256 Color VGA\SVGA Display Driver
vga64k.dll = 32K/64K color VGA\SVGA Display Driver
vidx16.dll =
vjoy.dll = 32-bit Joystick Virtual Device Driver
vorbis.dll =
vorbisenc.dll =
vp31vfw.dll = On2_VP3
vsfilter.dll = VobSub & TextSub filter for DirectShow/VirtualDub/Avisynth
vss_ps.dll = Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Service proxy/stub
vssapi.dll = Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Requestor/Writer Services API DLL
vsscodec.dll = VSS Video Codec - Video for Windows driver
vssconf.dll = VSS Video Codec
vsscore.dll = VSS Codec PRO
vwipxspx.dll = Virtual Dos Machine IPX/SPX Interface Library
w32time.dll = Service de temps Windows
w32topl.dll = Windows NT Topology Maintenance Tool
w95inf16.dll = WExtract 16bit Library
w95inf32.dll = W95INF32
wab32.dll = DLL du Carnet d'adresses Microsoft (R)
wab32res.dll = DLL du Carnet d'adresses Microsoft (R)
wavemsp.dll = FSM Wave Microsoft
wdigest.dll = Microsoft Digest Access
webcheck.dll = Controleur de site Web
webclnt.dll = Web DAV Service DLL
webhits.dll = Indexing Service Webhits
webvw.dll = Bibliotheque de contenu et de controle de l'afficheur Web du shell
wiadefui.dll = Interface utilisateur par defaut du scanneur WIA
wiadss.dll = Couche de compatibilite WIA TWAIN
wiascr.dll = WIA Scripting Layer
wiaservc.dll = Service de peripheriques d'images fixes
wiashext.dll = IU du dossier shell des peripheriques d'acquisition d'images
wiavideo.dll = Video WIA
wiavusd.dll = Peripherique WIA de flux de donnees video USD
wifeman.dll = Composant noyau de l'interface Windows WIFE
win32spl.dll = DLL d'API du spouleur 32 bits
win87em.dll =
winbrand.dll = Ressources de personnalisation de Windows
winfax.dll = Microsoft Fax API Support DLL
winhttp.dll = Windows HTTP Services
wininet.dll = Extensions Internet pour Win32
winipsec.dll = Windows IPSec SPD Client DLL
winmm.dll = DLL API MCI
winnls.dll = Windows IME interface core component
winntbbu.dll = DLL des ecrans d'installation de Windows
winrnr.dll = LDAP RnR Provider DLL
winscard.dll = API Microsoft Smart Card
winsock.dll = Windows Socket 16-Bit DLL
winsrv.dll = DLL serveur de Windows
winsta.dll = Winstation Library
winstrm.dll = DLL Streams
wintrust.dll = API Microsoft de verification de la confiance
wkssvc.dll = Workstation Service DLL
wldap32.dll = DLL API LDAP Win32
wlnotify.dll = DLL commune de reception des notifications Winlogon
wmadmod.dll = Corona Windows Media Audio Decoder
wmadmoe.dll = Corona Windows Media Audio 9 Encoder/Transcoder
wmasf.dll = Windows Media ASF DLL
wmdmlog.dll = Windows Media Device Manager Logger
wmdmps.dll = Windows Media Device Manager Proxy Stub
wmerrfra.dll = Services Windows Media Definitions d'erreurs
wmerror.dll = Definitions d'erreurs Windows Media (anglais)
wmi.dll = WMI DC and DP functionality
wmidx.dll = Windows Media Indexer DLL
wmiprop.dll = Co-installateur de la page de proprietes dynamiques du fournisseur WDM
wmiscmgr.dll = Gestionnaire de filtres WMI
wmnetmgr.dll = Windows Media Network Plugin Manager DLL
wmp.dll = Windows Media Player Core
wmpasf.dll = Windows Media Filter Shim
wmpcd.dll = Windows Media Player
wmpcore.dll = Windows Media Player
wmpdxm.dll = Windows Media 6.4 Player Shim
wmploc.dll = Lecteur Windows Media
wmpns.dll = Windows Media Player Applet Support DLL
wmpshell.dll = Lanceur du Lecteur Windows Media
wmpui.dll = Windows Media Player
wmsdmod.dll = Windows Media Screen Decoder
wmsdmoe.dll = Windows Media Screen Encoder DMO
wmsdmoe2.dll = Corona Windows Media Screen Encoder
wmspdmod.dll = Windows Media Speech Decoder
wmspdmoe.dll = Windows Media Speech Encoder
wmstream.dll = Windows Media Streamer DLL
wmv8dmod.dll = Windows Media Video 8 Decoder
wmv8dmoe.dll = Windows Media Video 8 Encoder DMO
wmvcore.dll = Windows Media Playback/Authoring DLL
wmvcore2.dll = Windows Media Playback/Authoring DLL
wmvdmod.dll = Corona Windows Media Video Decoder
wmvdmoe.dll = Windows Media Video Encoder DMO
wmvdmoe2.dll = Corona Windows Media Video Encoder
wnaspi32.dll = ASPI for Win32 (95/NT) DLL
wndtls32.dll = Control Window Management Tool
wnpapi32.dll = wnpapi32
wnvplay1.dll = Videum Video Capture
wow32.dll = Bibliotheque du sous-systeme WOW 32-bits
wowfax.dll = Windows 3.1 Compatible Fax Driver DLL
wowfaxui.dll = DLL de l'interface utilisateur du pilote de fax compatible Windows 3.1
ws2_32.dll = Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL
ws2help.dll = Application d'assistance de Windows Socket 2.0 pour Windows NT
wsecedit.dll = Module interface utilisateur de configuration de securite
wshatm.dll = Windows Sockets Helper DLL
wshcon.dll = Microsoft (r) Windows Script Controller
wshext.dll = Microsoft (r) Shell Extension for Windows Script Host
wshfr.dll = Ressources internationales de Microsoft (r) Windows Script Host
wship6.dll = IPv6 Helper DLL
wshisn.dll = NWLINK2 Socket Helper DLL
wshnetbs.dll = Netbios Windows Sockets Helper DLL
wshrm.dll = Windows Sockets Helper DLL for PGM
wshtcpip.dll = Windows Sockets Helper DLL
wsnmp32.dll = Microsoft WinSNMP v2.0 Manager API
wsock32.dll = DLL Socket 32-bits Windows
wstdecod.dll = WST Decoder Filter
wtsapi32.dll = Windows Terminal Server SDK APIs
wuaueng.dll = Moteur de mises a jour automatique Windows Update
wuauserv.dll = Windows Update AutoUpdate Service
wzcdlg.dll = UI du service de configuration automatique sans fil
wzcsapi.dll = Wireless Zero Configuration service API
wzcsvc.dll = Service configuration automatique sans fil
xactsrv.dll = Downlevel API Server DLL
xaradocg.dll = XaraDoc Module
xenroll.dll = XEnroll
xfontman.dll = XFontMan Module
xolehlp.dll = MS DTC helper APIs DLL
xpob2res.dll = Messages Service Pack 2 OOB
xpsp1res.dll = Messages Service Pack 1
xpsp2res.dll = Messages Service Pack 2
xvid.dll =
zipfldr.dll = Dossiers compresses
3ivxvfwcodec.dll = 3ivx D4 4.0.4 Video for Windows Codec
6to4svc.dll = Service that offers IPv6connectivity over an IPv4 network.
a3d.dll = Audio3D (OEM)
aaaamon.dll = DLL d'analyse aaaa
aasc32.dll = Autodesk RLE compression driver
acctres.dll = Ressources du gestionnaire de comptes Microsoft Internet
acledit.dll = Editeur de liste de controle d'acces
aclui.dll = Editeur de descripteur de securite
acodec.dll = Acodec
activeds.dll = DLL de la couche de routage AD
actxprxy.dll = ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library
admparse.dll = Analyseur de modeles de strategies globales de IEAK
adptif.dll = IPX Interface via WinSock
adsldp.dll = ADs LDAP Provider DLL
adsldpc.dll = DLL C du fournisseur LDAP AD
adsmsext.dll = ADs LDAP Provider DLL
adsnds.dll = DLL du fournisseur NDS AD
adsnt.dll = DLL du fournisseur de AD Windows NT
adsnw.dll = ADs Netware 3.12 Provider DLL
advapi32.dll = API avancees Windows 32
advpack.dll = ADVPACK
alrsvc.dll = Alerter Service DLL
amstream.dll = DirectShow Runtime.
apcups.dll = APC Smart Provider
apigid32.dll = APIGID32 DLL - Utility DLL for the VB Programmer's Guide to the Win32 API
apitrap.dll = Apitrap
apphelp.dll = Application Compatibility Client Library
appmgmts.dll = Service Installation de logiciels
appmgr.dll = Extension du composant logiciel enfichable d'installation de logiciel
asferror.dll = Definitions d'erreurs ASF
asfsipc.dll = ASFSipc Object
asusasv1.dll = ASUS Video Compressor
asusasv2.dll = ASUS ASV2 Video CODEC
asycfilt.dll =
athprxy.dll = Microsoft Search Authentication Proxy
ati2dvaa.dll = ATI RAGE 128 WindowsNT Display Driver
ati2dvag.dll = ATI Radeon WindowsNT Display Driver
ati3d1ag.dll = ati3d1ag.dll =
ati3d2ag.dll = ati3d2ag.dll =
ativcr1.dll = ATI VCR 1.0 Format Codec
ativcr2.dll = ATI VCR2 Planar Format Codec
atiyuv12.dll = ATI YV12 Planar Format Codec
atkctrs.dll = DLL de compteur de performance AppleTalk Windows NT
atl.dll = ATL Module for Windows NT (Unicode)
atl70.dll = ATL Module for Windows (Unicode)
atmfd.dll = Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 Font Driver
atmlib.dll = Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 API Library.
atmpvcno.dll = Atm Epvc Install DLL
atrace.dll = Async Trace DLL
audio3d.dll = Audio3D (OEM)
audiosrv.dll = Windows Audio Service
authz.dll = Authorization Framework
autodisc.dll = API Windows Decouverte automatique
avhal32.dll = AVHAL DLL file
avicap.dll = DLL de capture AVI
avicap32.dll = Classe de fenetre de capture AVI
avidavicodec.dll = Avid AVI Codec Version 2.0d2 for Windows NT
avifil32.dll = Bibliotheque d'assistance des fichiers AVI Microsoft
avifile.dll = Bibliotheque d'assistance des fichiers AVI Microsoft
avimszh.dll =
avipr.dll = Dual stream codec component
aviwrap.dll =
avizlib.dll =
avmeter.dll = Controles de mesure
avtapi.dll = Numeroteur TAPI 3.0 et Visualisateur de conference multidiffusion IP
avwav.dll = Wave Manipulation Component
avwin32.dll = AVWIN DLL file
basesrv.dll = Windows NT BASE API Server DLL
batmeter.dll = DLL d'application d'assistance de Jauge de batterie
batt.dll = Battery Class Installer
bidispl.dll = Bidispl DLL
blackbox.dll = BlackBox DLL
bmpimporter.dll = BmpImporter Module
bootvid.dll = VGA Boot Driver
browselc.dll = Bibliotheque de l'interface utilisateur du navigateur Shell
browser.dll = Computer Browser Service DLL
browseui.dll = Bibliotheque de l'interface utilisateur du navigateur
browsewm.dll = BrowseWM Player
cabinet.dll = Microsoft® Cabinet File API
cabview.dll = Extension shell de l'Afficheur de fichiers Cab
camcodec.dll = CamStudio lossless video codec
camocx.dll = DLL WIA Camera View
capesnpn.dll = Extension Gestionnaire de modeles de certificat Microsoft®
cards.dll = Entertainment Pack Cardplaying Helper DLL
catsrv.dll = COM Services
catsrvps.dll = COM Services
catsrvut.dll = COM Services
ccfgnt.dll = Internet Configuration Library
ccpasswd.dll = Common Client Password
cctrust.dll = Common Client ccTrust
cdfview.dll = Visionneuse du fichier de definition de la chaine
cdm.dll = Windows Update CDM Stub
cdmodem.dll = Modem Connection Driver
cdosys.dll = Microsoft CDO pour la bibliotheque Windows 2000
cdvccodc.dll = Canopus DV Codec Front-End
certcli.dll = Client Microsoft® Certificate Services
certmgr.dll = Composant logiciel enfichable Certificats
ceutil.dll = Bibliotheque d'utilitaire de registre
cewmdm.dll = Windows CE WMDM Service Provider
cfgbkend.dll = Configuration Backend Interface
cfgmgr32.dll = Configuration Manager Forwarder DLL
ciadmin.dll = Administration de CI (MMC)
cic.dll = CIC - Controles MMC pour la Liste des taches
ciodm.dll = Indexing Service Admin Automation Objects
clb.dll = Zone de liste de colonnes
clbcatex.dll = COM Services
clbcatq.dll = COM Services
cliconfg.dll = SQL Client Configuration Utility DLL
clusapi.dll = Cluster API Library
cmcfg32.dll = DLL de configuration de Microsoft Connection Manager
cmdial32.dll = Microsoft Connection Manager
cmnprop.dll = CMAudio Property Page
cmpbk32.dll = Microsoft Connection Manager Phonebook
cmprops.dll = Composant logiciel enfichable WMI
cmutil.dll = Bibliotheque utilitaire Microsoft Connection Manager
cnbjmon.dll = Moniteur de langage pour imprimante Bubble-Jet Canon
cnetcfg.dll = Bibliotheque de Connection Manager
cnvfat.dll = FAT File System Conversion Utility DLL
colbact.dll = COM Services
comaddin.dll = COM Services
comcat.dll = Microsoft Component Category Manager Library
comctl32.dll = Common Controls Library
comdlg32.dll = DLL commune de boites de dialogues
commdlg.dll = Bibliotheques des boites de dialogue communes
compatui.dll = Module CompatUI
compobj.dll = OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
compstui.dll = DLL d'interface utilisateur de feuille des proprietes communes
comrepl.dll = COM Services
comres.dll = Services COM
comsnap.dll = COM Services
comsvcs.dll = COM Services
comuid.dll = COM Services
confmsp.dll = Fournisseur de service media de conference IP Microsoft
console.dll = Applet Console du Panneau de configuration
corpol.dll = Microsoft COM Runtime Execution Engine
cpuinf32.dll =
credui.dll = Interface utilisateur du gestionnaire d'informations d'identification
crtdll.dll = Microsoft C Runtime Library
crypt32.dll = Crypto API32
cryptdlg.dll = Dialogues communs de certificats Microsoft
cryptdll.dll = Cryptography Manager
cryptext.dll = Extensions noyau de cryptographie
cryptnet.dll = Crypto Network Related API
cryptsvc.dll = Cryptographic Services
cryptui.dll = Fournisseur de l'interface Microsoft Trust
csccdvc.dll = Canopus Software DV Codec
cscdll.dll = Agent reseau hors connexion
cscdvsd.dll = Canopus Soft DVSD Codec
cscui.dll = IU de cache cote client
csedv.dll = Canopus Software Engine (DV stream)
csrsrv.dll = Client Server Runtime Process
csseqchk.dll = CSSeqChk
ctl3d32.dll = Ctl3D 3D Windows Controls
ctl3dv2.dll = Ctl3D 3D Windows NT(WOW) Controls
d3d8.dll = Microsoft Direct3D
d3d8thk.dll = Microsoft Direct3D OS Thunk Layer
d3d9.dll = Microsoft Direct3D
d3dim.dll = Microsoft Direct3D
d3dim700.dll = Microsoft Direct3D
d3dpmesh.dll = Direct3D Progressive Mesh DLL
d3dramp.dll = Microsoft Direct3D
d3drm.dll = Direct3D Retained Mode DLL
d3dxof.dll = DirectX Files DLL
danim.dll = DirectX Media -- DirectAnimation
dataclen.dll = Gestionnaire de nettoyage de disque pour Windows
datime.dll = TIME
davclnt.dll = Fichier DLL du client DAV pour le Web
dbgeng.dll = Symbolic Debugger Engine for Windows 2000
dbghelp.dll = Windows Image Helper
dbmsadsn.dll = ADSP Net DLL for SQL Clients
dbmsrpcn.dll = ConnectTo RPC Net Library
dbmsvinn.dll = ConnectTo VINES Net Library
dbnetlib.dll = Winsock Oriented Net DLL for SQL Clients
dbnmpntw.dll = Named Pipes Net DLL for SQL Clients
dciman32.dll = DCI Manager
ddao35.dll = Microsoft DAO C++ Library
ddeml.dll = Bibliotheque de gestion DDE
ddraw.dll = Microsoft DirectDraw
ddrawex.dll = Direct Draw Ex
deccdvc.dll = Canopus Software DV Decompressor
deskadp.dll = Proprietes avancees de la carte graphique
deskmon.dll = Proprietes avancees de l'ecran
deskperf.dll = Proprietes de performance de l'affichage avance
devenum.dll = Enumeration de peripheriques.
devmgr.dll = Composant logiciel enfichable MMC Gestionnaire de peripheriques
dfrgres.dll = Module de ressources du defragmenteur de disque
dfrgsnap.dll = Module du composant logiciel enfichable de defragmenteur de disque
dfrgui.dll = Disk Defragmenter UI Module
dfsshlex.dll = Extension de l'interpreteur de commande du systeme de fichier distribue
dgnet.dll = Module Dgnet
dgrpsetu.dll = Digi RealPort® Driver Upgrade
dgsetup.dll = DGSETUP DLL
dhcpcsvc.dll = Service client DHCP
dhcpmon.dll = DLL du Moniteur DHCP
dhcpsapi.dll = DLL de substitution de l'API serveur DHCP
diactfrm.dll = Microsoft DirectInput Mapper Framework
digest.dll = Package d'authentification Digest SSPI
digivcap.dll = Matrox Codecs
dimap.dll = Microsoft DirectInput Mapper
dinput.dll = Microsoft DirectInput
dinput8.dll = Microsoft DirectInput
directdb.dll = Microsoft Direct Database API
diskcopy.dll = Copie de disques Windows
dispex.dll = Microsoft (r) DispEx
divx.dll = DivX Video for Windows Codec (Corporate Edition)
divx4.dll = DivX Video for Windows Codec
divxc32.dll = DivX ;-) MPEG-4 Video Codec
divxc32f.dll = DivX ;-) MPEG-4 Video Codec
dmband.dll = Microsoft DirectMusic Band
dmcompos.dll = Microsoft DirectMusic Composer
dmconfig.dll = Logical Disk Manager Configuration Library
dmdlgs.dll = Disk Management Snap-in Dialogs
dmdskmgr.dll = Disk Management Snap-in Support Library
dmdskres.dll = Ressources du composant logiciel enfichable Gestionnaire de disque
dmime.dll = Microsoft DirectMusic Interactive Engine
dmintf.dll = Disk Management DCOM Interface Stub
dmloader.dll = Microsoft DirectMusic Loader
dmocx.dll = OCX TreeView
dmscript.dll = Microsoft DirectMusic Scripting
dmserver.dll = DLL Service gestionnaire de disque logique
dmstyle.dll = Microsoft DirectMusic Style Engline
dmsynth.dll = Microsoft DirectMusic Software Synthesizer
dmusic.dll = Services noyau Microsoft DirectMusic
dmutil.dll = Bibliotheque de l'utilitaire Gestionnaire de disques logiques
dnsapi.dll = DNS Client API DLL
dnsrslvr.dll = Service de resolution du cache DNS
docprop.dll = Page des proprietes de OLE DocFile
docprop2.dll = Extension du noyau DocProp Microsoft
doveov32.dll = DOVEOVL DLL
dpcdll.dll = Module dpcdll
dplay.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay
dplayx.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay
dpmodemx.dll = Connexion par modem et connexion serie pour DirectPlay
dpnaddr.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay8 Address
dpnet.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay
dpnhpast.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay NAT Helper PAST
dpnhupnp.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay NAT Helper UPnP
dpnlobby.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay8 Lobby
dpnmodem.dll = Fournisseur de modem Microsoft DirectPlay8
dpnwsock.dll = Fournisseur Winsock de Microsoft DirectPlay8
dpsavicc.dll = DPS AVI Codec DLL
dpserial.dll = Fournisseur de service modem Microsoft DirectPlay
dpstoavi.dll = Dps Media Conversion DLL
dpvacm.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay Voice ACM Provider
dpvoice.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay Voice
dpvvox.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay Voice Voxware Provider
dpwsock.dll = Microsoft DirectPlay Local Net Service Provider
dpwsockx.dll = Connexion TCP/IP Internet et IPX pour DirectPlay
drmclien.dll = DRM Client DLL
drmstor.dll = DRM Store DLL
drmv2clt.dll = DRMv2 Client DLL
drprov.dll = Microsoft Terminal Server Network Provider
ds16gt.dll = Microsoft ODBC Driver Setup Generic Thunk
ds32gt.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Setup Generic Thunk
dsauth.dll = DS Authorization for Services
dsdmo.dll = DirectSound Effects
dsdmoprp.dll = Pages de propriete des effets DirectSound
dskquota.dll = DLL Windows Shell de prise en charge de quota de disque
dskquoui.dll = DLL d'IU des quotas de disque systeme
dsound.dll = DirectSound
dsound3d.dll = DirectSound3D LUT
dsprop.dll = Pages de propriete de l'annuaire Windows Active Directory
dsprpres.dll = Ressources de pages de proprietes d'Active Directory
dsquery.dll = Trouver le service d'annuaire
dsrmp4.dll =
dssec.dll = Interface utilisateur de securite du service d'annuaire
dssenh.dll = Microsoft Enhanced DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider
dsuiext.dll = Interface utilisateur commune du service d'annuaire
dswave.dll = Microsoft DirectMusic Wave
duser.dll = Windows DirectUser Engine
dvavi.dll = DV, AVI fromat conversion library
dvc.dll = Stub DV Compression Manager
dvcodec.dll = DVcodec
dvoutput.dll = dvoutput
dvread.dll = DV Read Filter
dvsoft.dll = DV Compression Manager
dvwrite.dll = DV Data Write Filter
dx7vb.dll = Microsoft DirectX for Visual Basic
dx8vb.dll = Microsoft DirectX for Visual Basic
dxdiagn.dll = Outil de diagnostic Microsoft DirectX
dxmasf.dll = Filtre source Windows Media
dxmrtp.dll = Microsoft TAPI Audio, Video and RTP Filters
dxtmsft.dll = DirectX Media -- Image DirectX Transforms
dxtrans.dll = DirectX Media -- DirectX Transform Core
efsadu.dll = Utilitaire de cryptage de fichiers
elbycdio.dll = ElbyCDIO DLL
elbyvcd.dll = VirtualCloneDrive
els.dll = Composant Observateur d'evenements
encapi.dll = Encoder API
encdec.dll = XDSCodec & Encypter/Decrypter Tagger Filters.
eqnclass.dll = Co-installeur serie multiport Equinox
ersvc.dll = Windows Error Reporting Service
es.dll = COM Services
esent.dll = Moteur de stockage de base de donnees serveur
esent97.dll = Microsoft(R) Windows NT(TM) Server Database Storage Engine
esentprf.dll = Server Database Storage Performance Library
etxcodec.dll = ETXCodec DLL
eventcls.dll = Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Service event class
eventlog.dll = Service journal des evenements
expsrv.dll = Visual Basic for Applications Runtime - Expression Service
exts.dll = Debugger Extensions
faultrep.dll = Rapport d'erreurs Windows
fde.dll = Extension du composant logiciel enfichable de redirection de dossiers
fdeploy.dll = Extension Winlogon de redirection de dossier
feclient.dll = Windows NT File Encryption Client Interfaces
filemgmt.dll = Services et dossiers partages
flccodec32.dll = Autodesk 24Bit RLE compression driver
flcfile32.dll = FLC/FLI File Handler For AVIFile
fldrclnr.dll = Assistant Nettoyage du Bureau
fm20.dll = Microsoft® Forms DLL
fm20enu.dll = Microsoft® Forms International DLL
fm20fra.dll = Microsoft® Forms International DLL
fmifs.dll = FM IFS Utility DLL
fontext.dll = Dossier des polices Windows
fontsub.dll = Font Subsetting DLL
framebuf.dll = Framebuffer Display Driver
frwd.dll = frwd
frwt.dll = frwd
frwu.dll = frwd
fsusd.dll = DLL de peripheriques appareils photo du systeme de fichiers
ftsrch.dll = Rechercher Microsoft® Full-Text
fwcall.dll = fwcall
gcdef.dll = Feuilles de proprietes par defaut du controleurs de jeu
gdi32.dll = GDI Client DLL
gear81sd.dll = AccuSoft ImageGear/DLL 32
getuname.dll = DLL des noms UNICODE pour UCE
gif89.dll = Gif89 Module
glmf32.dll = OpenGL Metafiling DLL
glu32.dll = DLL bibliotheque des utilitaires OpenGL
glzw.dll = Glzw DLL
gpedit.dll = GPEdit
gpeg.dll = Gpeg DLL
gpkcsp.dll = Gemplus Cryptographic Service Provider
gpkrsrc.dll = Ressources du fournisseur de services cryptographiques Gemplus
gptext.dll = GPTExt
h323msp.dll = Fournisseur de service media Microsoft H.323
hal.dll = Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL
hccoin.dll = USB Coinstaller
hdimon.dll = Heidi® OLE to ADI Port Monitor
hhsetup.dll = Microsoft® HTML Help
hid.dll = Hid User Library
hlink.dll = Bibliotheque Hypertexte Microsoft
hnetcfg.dll = Gestionnaire de configuration de reseau domestique
hnetmon.dll = DLL de l'analyseur de reseau domestique
hnetwiz.dll = Assistant Configuration du reseau
hotplug.dll = Application de suppression securisee de materiel
hpzcoi04.dll = HP DeskJet
hpzcon04.dll = HP DeskJet Printing System for Windows
hpzlnt04.dll = HP DeskJet
hticons.dll = HyperTerminal Applet Library
httpx.dll = Mabry Internet HTTP/X COM Object
htui.dll = Dialogues communs d'ajustement des couleurs en demi-teintes
huffyuv.dll = Huffyuv lossless video codec
hypertrm.dll = Bibliotheque d'applications HyperTerminal
iasacct.dll = Fournisseur de compte IAS
iasads.dll = Magasin de donnees Active Directory IAS
iashlpr.dll = Composant de substitution IAS
iasnap.dll = IAS NAP Provider
iaspolcy.dll = IAS Pipeline
iasrad.dll = Composant de protocole RADIUS IAS
iasrecst.dll = IAS Jet Database Access
iassam.dll = IAS NT SAM Provider
iassdo.dll = Composant SDO IAS
iassvcs.dll = Composant de services IAS
ic32.dll = IC Image Control
icaapi.dll = DLL Interface to TermDD Device Driver
iccvid.dll = Cinepak® AVI Codec by CTi
icfgnt5.dll = Internet Connection Wizard
icm32.dll = Module de gestion de couleurs (CMM)
icmp.dll = ICMP DLL
icmui.dll = DLL pour l'interface utilisateur du systeme de correspondance de couleurs Microsoft
icmw_32.dll = MotionWavelets Video Codec
icwdial.dll = Numeroteur automatique de l'Assistant Connexion Internet
icwphbk.dll = Assistant Connexion Internet
idq.dll = Extension ISAPI du service d'indexation
idvcodec.dll = DV VfW driver
ieakeng.dll = Bibliotheque de moteurs de IEAK
ieaksie.dll = Extension de composant logiciel enfichable Internet Explorer pour une strategie de groupe
ieakui.dll = DLL d'interface utilisateur partagee Microsoft IEAK
iedkcs32.dll = DLL de personnalisation de Microsoft Internet Explorer
iepeers.dll = Objets pairs Internet Explorer
iernonce.dll = Traitement de RunOnce complet avec interface utilisateur
iesetup.dll = IOD Version Map
ifmon.dll = DLL Moniteur IF
ifsutil.dll = IFS Utility DLL
igmpagnt.dll = Microsoft IGMP subagent
iissuba.dll = Microsoft IIS sub-authentication handler
ils.dll = User Location Services Component Module
imagehlp.dll = Windows NT Image Helper
imagr5.dll = ImagXpress Image Processing DLL
imagx5.dll = ImagXpress Image Processing DLL
imagxpr5.dll = ImagXpress v5.0
imeshare.dll = Microsoft Office IME Shared property library.
imgutil.dll = IE plugin image decoder support DLL
imm32.dll = Windows XP IMM32 API Client DLL
inetcfg.dll = Bibliotheque de l'Assistant Connexion Internet
inetcomm.dll = Microsoft Internet Messaging API
inetcplc.dll = Panneau de configuration Internet
inetmib1.dll = Microsoft MIB-II subagent
inetpp.dll = DLL du service d'impression Internet
inetppui.dll = DLL du client d'impression Internet
inetres.dll = Ressources API de Microsoft Internet Messaging
inetwh32.dll = INETWH32
infosoft.dll = Wordbreaker and stemmer dll
initpki.dll = Installation et configuration de Microsoft Trust
inked.dll = Microsoft Tablet PC Platform Component
input.dll = DLL d'entree de texte
inseng.dll = Moteur d'installation
iologmsg.dll = DLL de journalisation des E/S
ip6fwapi.dll = IPv6 Firewall API Set
ip6fwcfg.dll = Firewall Configuration Helper DLL
ip6fwhlp.dll = Microsoft IPv6 Firewall Helper Components
iphlpapi.dll = API de l'application d'assistance IP
ipmontr.dll = DLL Moniteur de routeur IP
ipnathlp.dll = Composants de l'application d'assistance a Microsoft NAT
ippromon.dll = DLL du Moniteur de protocoles IP
iprop.dll = OLE PropertySet Implementation
iprtprio.dll = IP Routing Protocol Priority DLL
iprtrmgr.dll = Gestionnaire de routeur IP
ipsecsnp.dll = Composant enfichable pour Microsoft Windows 2000 du Gestionnaire de la strategie de securite pour le protocole Internet
ipsecsvc.dll = DLL de Windows IPSec SPD serveur
ipsmsnap.dll = Composant logiciel enfichable Moniteur de securite IP
ipv6mon.dll = DLL Moniteur IF
ipxmontr.dll = DLL du Moniteur de routeur IPX
ipxpromn.dll = DLL du Moniteur de routeur IPX
ipxrip.dll = IPX RIP
ipxrtmgr.dll = IPX ROUTER MANAGER
ipxsap.dll = SAP Agent DLL
ipxwan.dll = IPXWAN
ir21_r.dll =
ir32_32.dll = Intel Indeo(R) Video R3.2 32-bit Driver
ir41_32.dll = Intel Indeo(R) Video Interactive 32-bit Driver
ir41_qc.dll = Intel Indeo® Video Interactive Quick Compressor
ir41_qcx.dll = Intel Indeo® Video Interactive Quick Compressor
ir50_32.dll = Intel Indeo® video 5.11
ir50_lcs.dll = Intel Indeo® video 5.0 LC
ir50_qc.dll = Intel Indeo® video 5.10 Quick Compressor
ir50_qcx.dll = Intel Indeo® video 5.10 Quick Compressor
irclass.dll = Co-installateur de classe Infrarouge
isign32.dll = Processus d'abonnement a Internet
isrdbg32.dll = ISR Debug 32-bit Engine
itircl.dll = Microsoft® InfoTech IR Local DLL
itss.dll = Microsoft® InfoTech Storage System Library
iuctl.dll = Windows Update Client Control
iuengine.dll = Windows Update Control Engine
ixsso.dll = Objet cote serveur du service d'indexation
iyuv_32.dll = Intel Indeo(R) Video YUV Codec
iyvu9_32.dll = Intel Indeo® Video Raw 1.2
jet500.dll = JET Engine DLL
jgaw400.dll = JG Audio Interface DLL
jgdw400.dll = JG ART DLL
jgmd400.dll = JG MIDI Player DLL
jgpl400.dll = JG ART Player DLL
jgsd400.dll = JG ART DLL
jgsh400.dll = JG Slide Show Player DLL
jobexec.dll = Executeur de tache Active Setup
jscript.dll = Microsoft (r) JScript
jsfr.dll = Microsoft (r) JScript - Ressources internationales
jsproxy.dll = JScript Proxy Auto-Configuration
kbdal.dll = Albania Keyboard Layout
kbdaze.dll = Azerbaijan_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout
kbdazel.dll = Azeri-Latin Keyboard Layout
kbdbe.dll = Belgian Keyboard Layout
kbdbene.dll = Belgian Dutch Keyboard Layout
kbdblr.dll = Belarusian Keyboard Layout
kbdbr.dll = Brazilian Keyboard Layout
kbdbu.dll = Bulgarian Keyboard Layout
kbdca.dll = Canadian Multilingual Keyboard Layout
kbdcan.dll = Canadian National Standard Keyboard Layout
kbdcr.dll = Croatian/Slovenian Keyboard Layout
kbdcz.dll = Czech Keyboard Layout
kbdcz1.dll = Czech_101 Keyboard Layout
kbdcz2.dll = Czech_Programmer's Keyboard Layout
kbdda.dll = Danish Keyboard Layout
kbddv.dll = Dvorak US English Keyboard Layout
kbdes.dll = Spanish Alernate Keyboard Layout
kbdest.dll = Estonia Keyboard Layout
kbdfc.dll = Canadian French Keyboard Layout
kbdfi.dll = Finnish Keyboard Layout
kbdfo.dll = Færoese Keyboard Layout
kbdfr.dll = French Keyboard Layout
kbdgae.dll = Gaelic Keyboard Layout
kbdgkl.dll = Greek_Latin Keyboard Layout
kbdgr.dll = German Keyboard Layout
kbdgr1.dll = German_IBM Keyboard Layout
kbdhe.dll = Greek Keyboard Layout
kbdhe220.dll = Greek IBM 220 Keyboard Layout
kbdhe319.dll = Greek IBM 319 Keyboard Layout
kbdhela2.dll = Greek IBM 220 Latin Keyboard Layout
kbdhela3.dll = Greek IBM 319 Latin Keyboard Layout
kbdhept.dll = Greek_Polytonic Keyboard Layout
kbdhu.dll = Hungarian Keyboard Layout
kbdhu1.dll = Hungarian 101-key Keyboard Layout
kbdic.dll = Icelandic Keyboard Layout
kbdir.dll = Irish Keyboard Layout
kbdit.dll = Italian Keyboard Layout
kbdit142.dll = Italian 142 Keyboard Layout
kbdkaz.dll = Kazak_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout
kbdkyr.dll = Kyrgyz Keyboard Layout
kbdla.dll = Latin-American Spanish Keyboard Layout
kbdlt.dll = Lithuania Keyboard Layout
kbdlt1.dll = Lithuanian Keyboard Layout
kbdlv.dll = Latvia Keyboard Layout
kbdlv1.dll = Latvia-QWERTY Keyboard Layout
kbdmac.dll = FYROMacedonian_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout
kbdmon.dll = Mongolian Keyboard Layout
kbdne.dll = Dutch Keyboard Layout
kbdnec.dll = JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for (NEC PC-9800)
kbdno.dll = Norwegian Keyboard Layout
kbdpl.dll = Polish Keyboard Layout
kbdpl1.dll = Polish Programmer's Keyboard Layout
kbdpo.dll = Portuguese Keyboard Layout
kbdro.dll = Romanian Keyboard Layout
kbdru.dll = Russian Keyboard Layout
kbdru1.dll = Russia(Typewriter) Keyboard Layout
kbdsf.dll = Swiss French Keyboard Layout
kbdsg.dll = Swiss German Keyboard Layout
kbdsl.dll = Slovak Keyboard Layout
kbdsl1.dll = Slovak(QWERTY) Keyboard Layout
kbdsp.dll = Spanish Keyboard Layout
kbdsw.dll = Swedish Keyboard Layout
kbdtat.dll = Tatar_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout
kbdtuf.dll = Turkish F Keyboard Layout
kbdtuq.dll = Turkish Q Keyboard Layout
kbduk.dll = United Kingdom Keyboard Layout
kbdur.dll = Ukrainian Keyboard Layout
kbdus.dll = United States Keyboard Layout
kbdusl.dll = Dvorak Left-Hand US English Keyboard Layout
kbdusr.dll = Dvorak Right-Hand US English Keyboard Layout
kbdusx.dll = US Multinational Keyboard Layout
kbduzb.dll = Uzbek_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout
kbdycc.dll = Serbian_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout
kbdycl.dll = Serbian_Latin Keyboard Layout
kd1394.dll = Kernel Debugger IEEE 1394 HW Extension DLL
kdcom.dll = Kernel Debugger HW Extension DLL
kerberos.dll = Kerberos Security Package
kernel32.dll = DLL du client API BASE Windows NT
keymgr.dll = Noms et mots de passe utilisateur enregistres
kmvidc32.dll =
ksuser.dll = User CSA Library
kzdesktop.dll = KzDesktop Module
langwrbk.dll = English wordbreaker
laprxy.dll = Windows Media Logagent Proxy
lcodccmp.dll = LEAD MCMP/MJPEG Codec
lfbmp11n.dll = LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
lfcmp10n.dll = LEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
lfcmp11n.dll = LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
lfpng11n.dll = LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
lfwmf11n.dll = LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
libfaad.dll =
licdll.dll = Module licdll
licmgr10.dll = ActiveX License Manager
licwmi.dll = Windows Product Activation Configuration WMI provider
linkinfo.dll = Windows Volume Tracking
lmhsvc.dll = TCPIP NetBios Transport Services DLL
lmrt.dll = Liquid Motion Runtime Control
loadperf.dll = Compteurs de performance Charger & decharger
localsec.dll = Composant MMC Utilisateurs et groupes locaux
localspl.dll = DLL de spouleur local
localui.dll = DLL d'interface utilisateur du moniteur local
loghours.dll = Boite de dialogue de planification
lpk.dll = Language Pack
lprhelp.dll = LPR Print Monitor
lprmonui.dll = Interface utilisateur du moniteur d'impression LPR
lsasrv.dll = DLL serveur LSA
ltdis10n.dll = LEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
ltdis11n.dll = LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
ltefx10n.dll = LEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
ltfil10n.dll = LEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
ltfil11n.dll = LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
ltimg10n.dll = LEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
ltimg11n.dll = LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
ltkrn10n.dll = LEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
ltkrn11n.dll = LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
lttwn10n.dll = LEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32
lz32.dll = LZ Expand/Compress API DLL
lzexpand.dll = Windows file expansion library
m3jp2k32.dll = Morgan M-JPEG2000 VFW codec
m3jpeg32.dll = Morgan Multimedia M-JPEG V3 codec
ma32.dll =
mabryobj.dll = Mabry StreamObjects Module
macd32.dll = MACD32 DLL
mag_hook.dll = Microsoft Magnifier hook library file
malslib.dll = MALSLIB.DLL
mamc32.dll = MAMC32 DLL
mapi32.dll = Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT
mapistub.dll = Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT
masd32.dll =
mase32.dll =
mcastmib.dll = Microsoft Multicast subagent
mcd32.dll = OpenGL MCD Client DLL
mcdsrv32.dll = MCD Server
mcdvd_32.dll = MainConcept DV Codec
mchgrcoi.dll = Medium Changer CoInstaller
mciavi32.dll = Pilote MCI Video for Windows
mcicda.dll = Pilote MCI pour peripheriques CD audio
mciole16.dll = MCIOLE16 - OLE Handler DLL for MCI Objects
mciole32.dll = MCI OLE DLL
mciqtz32.dll = DirectShow MCI Driver
mciseq.dll = Pilote MCI pour sequenceur MIDI
mciwave.dll = Pilote MCI pour formes d'ondes audio
mcmjpg32.dll = MainConcept MJPG Video Codec
mdhcp.dll = Interface COM client MDHCP Microsoft
mdminst.dll = Installateur de classes de modems
mdwmdmsp.dll = WMDM Service Provider driver for MDM Drivers
mf3216.dll = 32-bit to 16-bit Metafile Conversion DLL
mfc40.dll = MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc40loc.dll = MFC Language Specific Resources
mfc40u.dll = MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc42.dll = MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc42fra.dll = MFC Language Specific Resources
mfc42loc.dll = MFC Language Specific Resources
mfc42u.dll = MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc70.dll = MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc70u.dll = MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfcsubs.dll = COM Services
mgmtapi.dll = Microsoft SNMP Manager API (uses WinSNMP)
midimap.dll = Mappeur MIDI Microsoft
miglibnt.dll = NT migration dll support
mimefilt.dll = Microsoft (R) IMimeFilter Persistent Handler DLL
mindex.dll = Microsoft Media Index
mirodv16un.dll = miroDV16un.dll =
mirodv2avi.dll = miroDV2avi.dll =
mirodv4un.dll = miroDV4un.dll =
mirodvenc.dll = miroDVenc.dll = (for Multi Media eXtensions)
mirodvun.dll = miroDVun.dll =
miroxl32.dll = miroVIDEO-XL 32-bit AVI Codec
mj2desc.dll = Morgan MJP2 Shell Extension
mlang.dll = Multi Language Support DLL
mll_hp.dll = HP Media Label Library
mll_mtf.dll = MTF (Microsoft Tape Format) Media Label Library
mll_qic.dll = QIC113 Media Label Library
mmcbase.dll = DLL de base MMC
mmcndmgr.dll = DLL du Gestionnaire de nœud MMC
mmcshext.dll = MMC Shell Extension DLL
mmdrv.dll = MultiMedia Kernel support Driver
mmfutil.dll = Application d'assistance du composant de logiciel enfichable WMI
mmijg32.dll = MMIJG32
mmsystem.dll = API systeme pour le multimedia
mmtvmj.dll = MM TVMJ DLL
mmutilse.dll = Microsoft Multimedia Controls Utilities
mnmdd.dll = Application Sharing Display Driver
mobsync.dll = Gestionnaire de synchronisation Microsoft
modemui.dll = Proprietes du modem Windows
modex.dll = ModeX Display Driver
moricons.dll = Windows NT Setup Icon Resources Library
mp43dmod.dll = Windows Media MPEG-4 Video Decoder
mp4sdmod.dll = Corona Windows Media MPEG-4 S Video Decoder
mpegdecoder.dll = mpegdecoder Module
mpg4c32.dll = MPEG-4 Video Codec
mpg4dmod.dll = Corona Windows Media MPEG-4 Video Decoder
mplaa6.dll = MPL Audio Library
mplam6.dll = MPL Audio Library
mplapx.dll = MPL Audio Library
mplaw7.dll = MPL Audio Library
mplva6.dll = MPL Video Library
mplvm6.dll = MPL Video Library
mplvpx.dll = MPL Video Library
mplvw7.dll = MPL Video Library
mpr.dll = DLL de routeur de fournisseurs multiples
mprapi.dll = Windows NT MP Router Administration DLL
mprddm.dll = Superviseur du Gestionnaire de numerotation a la demande
mprdim.dll = Dynamic Interface Manager
mprmsg.dll = DLL message du service de routeur multi-protocole
mprui.dll = Fournisseur Multiple
mqad.dll = Windows NT MQ Client AD Access
mqcertui.dll = Windows NT Certificate Dialogs
mqdscli.dll = Windows NT MQ Client Directory Service
mqgentr.dll = MSMQ Trigger Generic Object
mqlogmgr.dll = MS DTC log manager DLL
mqoa.dll = Message Queuing ActiveX Interface
mqperf.dll = Windows NT MQ Performance Coutners
mqqm.dll = Windows NT MQ Queue Manager
mqrt.dll = Windows NT MQ Run time DLL
mqrtdep.dll = Message Queueing Dependent Client
mqsec.dll = Windows NT, MSMQ 2.0 Security
mqsnap.dll = Windows NT MSMQ Admin
mqtrig.dll = MSMQ Trigger Object Module
mqupgrd.dll = MSMQ Upgrade
mqutil.dll = DLL d'utilitaires Message Queuing Windows NT
msaatext.dll = Active Accessibility text support
msacm.dll = Gestionnaire de compression audio Microsoft
msacm32.dll = Filtre audio ACM Microsoft
msadce.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Cursor Engine
msadcer.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Ressources pour OLE DB Cursor Engine
msadcf.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Remote Data Services Data Factory
msadcfr.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Ressources pour Remote Data Services Data Factory
msadco.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Remote Data Services Data Control
msadcor.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Ressources de controle de donnees pour Remote Data Services
msadcs.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Remote Data Services ISAPI Library
msadds.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Data Shape Provider
msaddsr.dll = Microsoft data Access - Ressources fournisseur pour Data Shape OLE DB
msader15.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Ressources ADO (ActiveX Data Objects)
msado15.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects
msadomd.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects (Multi-Dimensional)
msador15.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects
msadox.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects Extensions
msadrh15.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects Rowset Helper
msafd.dll = Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider
msapsspc.dll = Client DPA pour plate-forme 32 bit
msasn1.dll = ASN.1 Runtime APIs
msaudite.dll = DLL des evenements d'audit de la securite
mscat32.dll = MSCAT32 Forwarder DLL
mscms.dll = Microsoft Color Matching System DLL
msconf.dll = Dll de l'utilitaire de conference
mscoree.dll = Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine
mscorier.dll = Microsoft .NET Runtime IE resources
mscories.dll = Microsoft .NET IE SECURITY REGISTRATION
mscpx32r.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Code Page Translator Resources
mscpxl32.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Traducteur de pages de codes ODBC
msctf.dll = DLL de MSCTF Server
msctfp.dll = MSCTFP Server DLL
msdadc.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Data Conversion Stub
msdaenum.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Root Enumerator Stub
msdaer.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Error Collection Stub
msdaerr.dll = Microsoft OLE DB Error Collection Localized Strings
msdaipp.dll = Microsoft Data Access Component Internet Publishing Provider
msdaora.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Provider for Oracle
msdaorar.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Fournisseur OLE DB pour ressources Oracle
msdaosp.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Simple Provider
msdapml.dll = SharePoint Portal Server executable
msdaprsr.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Ressources services pour Persistance OLE DB
msdaprst.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Persistence Services
msdaps.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Interface Proxies/Stubs
msdarem.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Remote Provider
msdaremr.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Ressources fournisseur pour OLE DB Remote
msdart.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Runtime Routines
msdasc.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Service Components Stub
msdasql.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
msdasqlr.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Provider pour les pilotes ODBC
msdatl.dll = Microsoft OLE DB Implementation support library
msdatl3.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Implementation Support Routines
msdatt.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Temporary Table Services
msdaurl.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB RootBinder Stub
msdfmap.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Data Factory Handler
msdmeng.dll = Microsoft Data Mining Engine
msdmine.dll = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Data Mining Services
msdmo.dll = DMO Runtime
msdtclog.dll = MS DTC log manager DLL
msdtcprx.dll = MS DTC OLE Transactions interface proxy DLL
msdtctm.dll = MS DTC transaction manager DLL
msdtcuiu.dll = MS DTC administrative component DLL
msdxmlc.dll = Lecteur Windows Media
msencode.dll = Microsoft Character Encoder
msexch40.dll = Microsoft Jet Exchange Isam
msexcl35.dll = Microsoft Jet Excel Isam
msexcl40.dll = Microsoft Jet Excel Isam
msftedit.dll = Rich Text Edit Control, v4.1
msgina.dll = Ouverture de session Windows NT GINA DLL
msgstrpc.dll = HPC Inbox Remote Database
msgsvc.dll = NT Messenger Service
mshtml.dll = Visionneuse HTML Microsoft (R)
mshtmled.dll = Composant d'edition HTML Microsoft (R)
mshtmler.dll = DLL de ressource du composant d'edition HTML Microsoft(R)
msi.dll = Windows Installer
msident.dll = Gestionnaire d'identite Microsoft
msidle.dll = User Idle Monitor
msidntld.dll = Gestionnaire d'identite Microsoft
msieftp.dll = Extension Shell dossier FTP Microsoft Internet Explorer.
msihnd.dll = Windows® installer
msimg32.dll = GDIEXT Client DLL
msimsg.dll = Windows® Installer International Messages
msimtf.dll = Active IMM Server DLL
msisam11.dll = Microsoft MSISAM 1.1
msisip.dll = MSI Signature SIP Provider
msjet35.dll = Microsoft Jet Engine Library
msjet40.dll = Microsoft Jet Engine Library
msjetoledb40.dll = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet
msjint35.dll = Microsoft Jet Database Engine International DLL
msjint40.dll = DLL internationale du moteur de base de donnees Microsoft Jet
msjro.dll = Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects
msjt4jlt.dll = Microsoft Jet Engine Library for Jolt
msjter35.dll = Microsoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL
msjter40.dll = Microsoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL
msjtes40.dll = Microsoft Jet Expression Service
mslbui.dll = Extension de barre de langues
msls2.dll = Microsoft Applications Line Services library file
msls31.dll = Microsoft Line Services library file
msltus35.dll = Microsoft Jet Lotus 1-2-3 Isam
msltus40.dll = Microsoft Jet Lotus 1-2-3 Isam
msmdcb80.dll = PivotTable Service dll
msmdgd80.dll = Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services driver
msmdun80.dll = String Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components
msnetobj.dll = DRM ActiveX Network Object
msnsspc.dll = Acces MSN Internet
msobjs.dll = Nom d'audit des objets systeme
msoeacct.dll = Gestionnaire de comptes Internet
msoert2.dll = Microsoft Outlook Express RT Lib
msolap80.dll = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Analysis Services 8.0
msolui80.dll = Microsoft OLE DB provider for Analysis Services connection dialog 8.0
msorc32r.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Pilote ODBC pour ressources Oracle
msorcl32.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver for Oracle
mspatcha.dll = Microsoft(R) Patch Engine
mspbde40.dll = Microsoft Jet Paradox Isam
mspdox35.dll = Microsoft Jet Paradox Isam
mspmsnsv.dll = Fournisseur de services de peripherique multimedia Microsoft
mspmsp.dll = Microsoft Media Device Service Provider
mspmspsv.dll = Fournisseur de services du peripherique media Microsoft
msports.dll = Installateur de classes de ports
msprivs.dll = Microsoft Privilege Translations
msprpfr.dll = msprop32.ocx
msr2c.dll = Microsoft® Forms DLL
msr2cenu.dll = Microsoft® Forms DLL
msratelc.dll = DLL de gestion d'utilisateur local et de controle d'acces a Internet
msrating.dll = DLL de gestion d'utilisateur local et de controle d'acces a Internet
msrclr40.dll = Microsoft Jet Briefcase Reconciler Library
msrd2x35.dll = Microsoft (R) Red ISAM
msrd2x40.dll = Microsoft (R) Red ISAM
msrd3x40.dll = Microsoft (R) Red ISAM
msrdo20.dll = MSRDO20 rdoEngine control
msrecr40.dll = Microsoft Jet Briefcase Reconciler Resource Library
msrepl35.dll = Microsoft Replication Library
msrepl40.dll = Microsoft Replication Library
msrle32.dll = Compresseur Microsoft RLE
mssap.dll = DRM
msscp.dll = Windows Media Secure Content Provider
mssign32.dll = API de signature approuvee Microsoft
mssip32.dll = MSSIP32 Forwarder DLL
msstdfmt.dll = Microsoft Standard Data Formating Object DLL
msstkprp.dll = msprop32.ocx
msswch.dll = msswch
mstask.dll = Fichier DLL d'interface du Planificateur de taches
mstext35.dll = Microsoft Jet Text Isam
mstext40.dll = Microsoft Jet Text Isam
mstime.dll = Extensions HTML Microsoft (R) Timed Interactive Multimedia
mstlsapi.dll = Microsoft® Terminal Server Licensing
mstscax.dll = Terminal Services ActiveX Client
msuni11.dll = Microsoft Jet Sort Tables
msutb.dll = DLL MSUTB Server
msv1_0.dll = Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0
msvbvm60.dll = Visual Basic Virtual Machine
msvci70.dll = Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library
msvcirt.dll = Windows NT IOStreams DLL
msvcp50.dll = Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library
msvcp60.dll = Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library
msvcp70.dll = Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library
msvcrt.dll = Windows NT CRT DLL
msvcrt20.dll = Microsoft® C Runtime Library
msvcrt40.dll = Microsoft (R) C Runtime Library Forwarder DLL
msvfw32.dll = DLL Microsoft Video for Windows
msvidc32.dll = Compresseur Microsoft Video 1
msvidctl.dll = ActiveX control for streaming video
msvideo.dll = DLL Microsoft Video for Windows
msw3prt.dll = DLL ISAPI pour l'impression web
mswdat10.dll = Microsoft Jet Sort Tables
mswebdvd.dll = Module MSWebDVD
mswmdm.dll = Gestionnaire de peripheriques Windows Media (principal)
mswsock.dll = Fournisseur de service Sockets 2.0 de Microsoft Windows
mswstr10.dll = Bibliotheque de tri de Microsoft Jet
msxactps.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Transaction Proxies/Stubs
msxbde40.dll = Microsoft Jet xBASE Isam
msxbse35.dll = Microsoft Jet xBase Isam
msxml.dll = XML OM for Win32
msxml2.dll = XML OM for Win32
msxml2r.dll = XML Resources for Win32
msxml3.dll = MSXML 3.0 SP 3
msxml3a.dll = XML Resources
msxml3r.dll = XML Resources
msxmlr.dll = XML Resources for Win32
msyuv.dll = Microsoft UYVY Video Decompressor
mtxclu.dll = MS DTC amd MTS clustering support DLL
mtxdm.dll = COM Services
mtxex.dll = COM Services
mtxlegih.dll = COM Services
mtxoci.dll = Microsoft database support DLL for Oracle
mycomput.dll = Gestion de l'ordinateur
mydocs.dll = Interface utilisateur du dossier Mes documents
n067ufw.dll = ScanGear Device Driver
narrhook.dll = Intercepteur du clavier et des evenements Windows pour le Narrateur Microsoft
ncobjapi.dll = Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ncxpnt.dll = Netork Setup Wizard Support DLL
nddeapi.dll = APIs de gestion du partage DDE reseau
nddenb32.dll = Interface NetBIOS de DDE reseau
netapi.dll = Bibliotheque de liens dynamiques reseau pour Microsoft Windows
netapi32.dll = Net Win32 API DLL
netcfgx.dll = Objets de configuration du reseau
netevent.dll = Manipulateur d'evenements reseau
netfxperf.dll = netfxperf.lib
neth.dll = DLL des messages d'aide reseau
netid.dll = Panneau de configuration Systeme ; onglet Identification
netlogon.dll = Net Logon Services DLL
netman.dll = Gestionnaire de connexions reseau
netmsg.dll = DLL des messages reseaux
netplwiz.dll = Assistant Connexion a des lecteurs ou des emplacements reseau
netrap.dll = Net Remote Admin Protocol DLL
netshell.dll = Noyau des Connexions reseau
netui0.dll = Code commun NT LM UI - Classes GUI
netui1.dll = NT LM UI Common Code - Networking classes
netui2.dll = Code commun NT LM UI - Classes GUI
newdev.dll = Bibliotheque d'ajout de peripherique materiel
nlhtml.dll = Net Library HTML filter
nmevtmsg.dll = DLL d'enregistrement d'evenements NetMeeting
nmmkcert.dll = Bibliotheque NMMKCERT
npptools.dll = DLL de l’utilitaire d’assistance des outils NPP
npwmsdrm.dll = Windows Multimedia Services DRM Store Plug-In
nscmps.dll = Windows Media Station Service Administration Proxy/Stub
nserror.dll = Windows Media Services Error Definitions
ntcodec.dll = NewTek, AVI Compressor
ntdll.dll = DLL Couche NT
ntdsapi.dll = NT5DS
ntdsbcli.dll = NT5DS
ntlanman.dll = Gestionnaire de reseau local Microsoft®
ntlanui.dll = DLL de controle LanMan
ntlanui2.dll = Interface utilisateur
ntlsapi.dll = Microsoft® License Server Interface DLL
ntmarta.dll = Fournisseur MARTA Windows NT
ntmsapi.dll = Interfaces publiques de stockage amovible
ntmsdba.dll = API d'objet DB de gestion de stockage amovible
ntmsevt.dll = Journal des evenements du stockage amovible
ntmsmgr.dll = Gestion du stockage amovible
ntmssvc.dll = Gestionnaire de stockage amovible
ntprint.dll = DLL d'installation de spouleur
ntsdexts.dll = Symbolic Debugger Extensions
ntshrui.dll = Extensions de l'interpreteur de commandes pour le partage
ntvdmd.dll = NTVDMD.DLL
nv4.dll = NVIDIA Compatible Windows XP Display Driver, Version 12.40.20
nv4_disp.dll = NVIDIA Compatible Windows 2000 Display driver, Version 53.03
nvcod.dll = NVIDIA Driver CoInstaller
nvcodins.dll = NVIDIA Driver CoInstaller
nvcpl.dll = NVIDIA Display Properties Extension
nvinstnt.dll = NVIDIA Compatible Driver Install Library, Version 53.03
nvmctray.dll = NVIDIA Media Center Library
nvnt4cpl.dll = NVIDIA Desktop Explorer, Version 53.03
nvoglnt.dll = NVIDIA Compatible OpenGL ICD
nvwddi.dll = NVIDIA nView Display Driver Interface Lib, Version 53.03
nvwdmcpl.dll = NVIDIA nView Control Panel, Version 53.03
nwapi16.dll = NW Windows/Dos API DLL
nwapi32.dll = NW Win32 API DLL
nwcfg.dll = NWC Configuration DLL
nwevent.dll = Messages d'evenements pour le Service client pour NetWare
nwprovau.dll = Service client pour le fournisseur NetWare et DLL d'authentification
nwwks.dll = Client Service for Netware
oakley.dll = Gestionnaire de cle Oakley
objsel.dll = Dialogue du Selecteur d'objet
occache.dll = Object Control Viewer
ocmanage.dll = Bibliotheque du Gestionnaire de composants facultatifs
odbc16gt.dll = Microsoft ODBC Driver Generic Thunk
odbc32.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager
odbc32gt.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Generic Thunk
odbcbcp.dll = Microsoft BCP for ODBC
odbcconf.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Configuration Program
odbccp32.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Installer
odbccr32.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Cursor Library
odbccu32.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Cursor Library
odbcint.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Ressources ODBC
odbcji32.dll = Microsoft ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5
odbcjt32.dll = Microsoft ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5
odbcp32r.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager Resources
odbcstf.dll = ODBC Version 3.0 Custom Action Setup DLL
odbctl32.dll = ODBC Helper Function DLL
odbctrac.dll = Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager Trace
oddbse32.dll = ODBC (3.0) driver for DBase
odexl32.dll = ODBC (3.0) driver for Excel
odfox32.dll = ODBC (3.0) driver for FoxPro
odpdx32.dll = ODBC (3.0) driver for Paradox
odtext32.dll = ODBC (3.0) driver for text files
offfilt.dll = OffFilt
ogg.dll =
oggds.dll = Ogg DirectShow(tm) Filter Collection
ole2.dll = OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
ole2disp.dll = OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
ole2nls.dll = OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
ole32.dll = Microsoft OLE pour Windows
oleacc.dll = Active Accessibility Core Component
oleaccrc.dll = Active Accessibility Resource DLL
oleaut32.dll = Microsoft OLE 3.50 for Windows NT(TM) and Windows 95(TM) Operating Systems
olecli.dll = Bibliotheque client de liaison et incorporation d'objets (OLE)
olecli32.dll = Bibliotheque client OLE
olecnv32.dll = Microsoft OLE for Windows
oledb32.dll = Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Core Services
oledb32r.dll = Microsoft Data Access - Ressources des services OLE DB Core
oledlg.dll = Prise en charge de l'interface utilisateur pour Microsoft Windows(TM) OLE 2.0
oleprn.dll = Oleprn DLL
olepro32.dll = Microsoft (R) OLE Property Support DLL
olesvr.dll = Object Linking and Embedding Server Library
olesvr32.dll = Object Linking and Embedding Server Library
olethk32.dll = Microsoft OLE for Windows
opengl32.dll = OpenGL Client DLL
openquicktimelib.dll =
osuninst.dll = Interface de desinstallation
qasf.dll = DirectShow ASF Support
qcap.dll = Module d'execution DirectShow.
qcut.dll = DirectShow Runtime.
qdcsinet.dll = Norton Internet File Cleanup Library
qdv.dll = Module d'execution DirectShow.
qdvd.dll = DirectShow DVD PlayBack Runtime.
qedit.dll = Edition DirectShow.
qedwipes.dll = DirectShow Editing SMPTE Wipes
qmgr.dll = Service de transfert intelligent en arriere-plan
qmgrprxy.dll = Background Intelligent Transfer Service Proxy
qosname.dll = Microsoft Windows GetQosByName Service Provider
qpeg32.dll = QPEG® Video Codec 1.1 by Q-Team Dr. Knabe GmbH
quartz.dll = Module d'execution DirectShow.
query.dll = Bibliotheque de requete et d'indexation de Index Server
racpldlg.dll = Assistance a distance Microsoft
rapi.dll = Mobile Device Remote API
rasadhlp.dll = Remote Access AutoDial Helper
rasapi32.dll = API d'Acces reseau a distance
rasauto.dll = Remote Access AutoDial Manager
raschap.dll = Remote Access PPP CHAP
rasctrs.dll = DLL de compteur de performances d'acces distant Windows NT
rasdlg.dll = API de dialogues communs pour les acces distants
rasman.dll = Remote Access Connection Manager
rasmans.dll = Remote Access Connection Manager
rasmontr.dll = DLL Moniteur RAS
rasmxs.dll = Remote Access Device DLL for modems, PADs and switches
rasppp.dll = Remote Access PPP
rasrad.dll = Remote Access Service NT RADIUS client module
rassapi.dll = Remote Access Admin APIs dll
rasser.dll = Remote Access Media DLL for COM ports
rastapi.dll = Remote Access TAPI Compliance Layer
rastls.dll = Acces distant PPP EAP-TLS
rcbdyctl.dll = Assistance a distance Microsoft
rdchost.dll = RDSHost Client Module
rdocurs.dll = Microsoft RDO Client Cursor DLL
rdpcfgex.dll = Extension de configuration de connexion Terminal Server pour protocole RDP
rdpdd.dll = RDP Display Driver
rdpsnd.dll = Pilote multimedia du service Terminal Server
rdpwsx.dll = RDP Extension DLL
regacad.dll = RegAcad
regapi.dll = Registry Configuration APIs
regsvc.dll = Remote Registry Service
regwizc.dll = Module RegWizCtrl
remotepg.dll = Extension du Panneau de configuration Sessions distantes
rend.dll = Microsoft Rendezvous Control
resutils.dll = Microsoft Cluster Resource Utility DLL
riched20.dll = Rich Text Edit Control, v3.0
riched32.dll = Wrapper Dll for Richedit 1.0
rmoc3260.dll = Real Player(tm) ActiveX Control
rmp4.dll =
rnr20.dll = Windows Socket2 NameSpace DLL
roboex32.dll = RoboHELP Extensions for WinHelp
routetab.dll = Microsoft Routing Table DLL
rpcns4.dll = Remote Procedure Call Name Service Client
rpcrt4.dll = Remote Procedure Call Runtime
rpcss.dll = Distributed COM Services
rsaenh.dll = Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider
rsfsaps.dll = FSA Proxy / Stub
rshx32.dll = Extension noyau de securite
rsmps.dll = RSM Proxy Stub
rsvpmsg.dll = DLL de messages RSVP
rsvpperf.dll = Microsoft® Windows(TM) RSVP Performance Monitor
rsvpsp.dll = Microsoft Windows Rsvp 1.0 Service Provider
rtcdll.dll = Fichier DLL de l'agent utilisateur RTC
rtcres.dll = RTC Resource DLL
rtipxmib.dll = Microsoft Router IPX MIB subagent
rtm.dll = Routing Table Manager
rtmjpgcdc.dll = Dual stream codec component
rtutils.dll = Routing Utilities
rududu.dll = Rududu video codec
s32evnt1.dll = Symantec Event Library
s32stat.dll = Symantec Drive Status Library
safrcdlg.dll = Controles Fichier/Ouvrir et Enregistrer de l'assistance a distance Microsoft PCHealth
safrdm.dll = Gestionnaire du bureau du centre d'Aide Microsoft
safrslv.dll = Microsoft Help Center Session Resolver
samlib.dll = SAM Library DLL
samsrv.dll = DLL Serveur SAM
sbe.dll = DirectShow Stream Buffer Filter.
sbeio.dll = Stream Buffer IO DLL
scarddlg.dll = SCardDlg - Boite de dialogue commune de Smart Card
scardssp.dll = Smart Card Base Service Providers
sccbase.dll = Infineon SICRYPT® Base Smart Card CSP
sccsccp.dll = Objets COM fournisseur de cryptographie pour cartes a puce Infineon SICRYPT®
scecli.dll = Moteur du client de l'Editeur de configuration de securite Windows
scesrv.dll = Moteur de l'Editeur de configuration de securite Windows
schannel.dll = TLS / SSL Security Provider
schedsvc.dll = Moteur du Planificateur de taches
sclgntfy.dll = DLL secondaire de notification de service d'ouverture de session
scofr.dll = Ressources de Windows Script Component (r)
scp32.dll = Code Page Translation Library
scredir.dll = Smart Card Redirection for TS
scripto.dll = Microsoft ScriptO
scriptpw.dll = ScriptPW Module
scrobj.dll = Windows (r) Script Component Runtime
scrrnfr.dll = Ressources internationales de l'executable Script Microsoft (r)
scrrun.dll = Microsoft (r) Script Runtime
sdpblb.dll = Microsoft Sdpblb
seclogon.dll = DLL de service d'ouverture de session secondaire
secur32.dll = Security Support Provider Interface
security.dll = Security Support Provider Interface
sendcmsg.dll = Envoyer un message de console
sendmail.dll = Envoi du message
sens.dll = System Event Notification Service (SENS)
sensapi.dll = SENS Connectivity API DLL
senscfg.dll = SENS Setup/Setup Tool
serialui.dll = Pages de proprietes du port serie
servdeps.dll = WMI Snapins
serwvdrv.dll = Pilote son serie Unimodem
setupapi.dll = Installation de L'API Windows
setupdll.dll = Bibliotheque dynamique du programme d'installation de Windows 2000
sfc.dll = Windows File Protection
sfc_os.dll = Protection de fichiers Windows
sfcfiles.dll = Windows 2000 System File Checker
sfmapi.dll = Windows NT Macintosh File Service Client
sg62cpl.dll = ScanGear Control Panel Interface
sg62uud.dll = ScanGear Universal Scanner Driver
shdoclc.dll = Bibliotheque d'objets et de controles de documents de l'environnement
shdocvw.dll = Bibliotheque d'objets et de controles de documents de l'environnement
shell.dll = Windows Shell library
shell32.dll = DLL commune du shell Windows
shellstyle.dll = DLL des ressources de style Windows Shell
shfolder.dll = Shell Folder Service
shgina.dll = Windows Shell User Logon
shimeng.dll = Shim Engine DLL
shimgvw.dll = Apercu des images et des telecopies Windows
shlwapi.dll = Bibliotheque d'utilitaires legers du Shell
shmedia.dll = Extension de l'interface d'extraction des proprietes des fichiers multimedia
shscrap.dll = Gestionnaire d'objets bribes de l'environnement
shsvcs.dll = Dll des services Windows Shell
sierranw.dll = SIGS DLL
sigtab.dll = Parametres d'integrite de fichiers
simonw32.dll = SIMON WIN32 Shared Component
sisbkup.dll = Single-Instance Store Backup Support Functions
skdll.dll = Serial Keys
slayerxp.dll = Fichier DLL d'extension de l'onglet Compatibilite
slbcsp.dll = Schlumberger Smart Card CryptoAPI Library
slbiop.dll = Schlumberger Smart Card Interoperability Library v2
slbrccsp.dll = Fichier de ressources CryptoAPI de la carte a puce Schlumberger
smackw32.dll = Smacker Video Technology
smlogcfg.dll = Composant logiciel enfichable Journaux et alertes de l'Analyseur de performances
snmpapi.dll = SNMP Utility Library
snmpsnap.dll = Composant logiciel enfichable SNMP
snwvalid.dll = SIGS DLL
softpub.dll = Softpub Forwarder DLL
sonydv.dll = Video for Windows driver for DV
sonydvau.dll = Sony Software Codec DLL
sonydvm2.dll = Sony Software Codec DLL
sonydvvd.dll = Sony Software Codec DLL
sonydvve.dll = Sony Software Codec DLL
spmsg.dll = Messages du Service Pack
spnike.dll = MDM Device Interface for Nike device.
spoolss.dll = Spooler SubSystem DLL
sprio600.dll = MDM Device Interface for Rio 600 device.
sprio800.dll = MDM Device Interface for Rio 800 device.
spxcoins.dll = Specialix MPS NT Upgrade CoInstaller
sqloledb.dll = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
sqlsrv32.dll = Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver
sqlunirl.dll = String Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components
sqlwid.dll = Unicode Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components
sqlwoa.dll = Unicode/ANSI Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components
sqlxmlx.dll = Microsoft XML extensions for SQL Server
srclient.dll = Dll du client SR
srrstr.dll = Bibliotheque d'operations Restauration du systeme
srsvc.dll = Service de restauration du systeme
srvsvc.dll = Server Service DLL
ssdpapi.dll = SSDP Client API DLL
ssdpsrv.dll = SSDP Service DLL
stci.dll =
stclient.dll = COM Services
sti.dll = DLL client de peripheriques d'images fixes
sti_ci.dll = Installateur de classes d'images fixes
stobject.dll = Objet du service d'environnement Systray
storage.dll = OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
storprop.dll = Pages de proprietes pour les peripheriques de stockage
streamci.dll = Streaming Device Class Installer
strmdll.dll = Windows Media Services Streamer Dll
svcpack.dll = Windows 2000 Service Pack Setup
swcdvvfw.dll = Matrox Software Dv Codec DLL
swcjpegvfw.dll = Matrox Software JPEG Codec DLL
swcmpegvfw.dll = Matrox MPEG-2 codec
swprv.dll = Fournisseur logiciel du service Microsoft® de cliche instantane des volumes
sxs.dll = Fusion 2.5
symredir.dll = Symantec Redirector Interface
symstore.dll = Settings Storage DLL
synceng.dll = Windows Briefcase Engine
syncui.dll = Porte-documents Windows
sysinv.dll = Inventaire du systeme Windows
syssetup.dll = Installation du systeme Windows NT
t2embed.dll = t2embed
tapi.dll = Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony Server16
tapi3.dll = Microsoft TAPI3
tapi32.dll = DLL Client de l'API Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephonie
tapiperf.dll = Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony Performance Monitor
tapisrv.dll = Serveur de telephonie Microsoft® Windows(TM)
tapiui.dll = DLL de l'interface utilisateur de l'API de telephonie Microsoft® Windows(TM)
tcpmib.dll = Standard TCP/IP Port Monitor Helper DLL
tcpmon.dll = DLL moniteur de port standard TCP/IP
tcpmonui.dll = DLL interface utilisateur moniteur de port standard TCP/IP
tekyuv.dll =
templman.dll = Xara Wizard Template Manipulator
templop.dll = TemplOp Module
termmgr.dll = Gestionnaire de terminal Microsoft TAPI3
termsrv.dll = Service Terminal Server
themeui.dll = API Windows Theme
tlntsvrp.dll = Microsoft Telnet Server Proxy Stub
toolhelp.dll = Windows Debug/Tool helper library
traffic.dll = Microsoft Traffic Control 1.0 DLL
trkwks.dll = Distributed Link Tracking Client
tsappcmp.dll = Terminal Services Application Compatibility DLL
tsbyuv.dll = Toshiba Video Codec
tsccvid.dll = TechSmith Screen Capture Codec
tscfgwmi.dll = Fournisseur d'infrastructure WMI de configuration des services Terminal Server
tsd32.dll = DSP Group TrueSpeech(TM) Audio Encoder & Decoder
tsddd.dll = Framebuffer Display Driver
tx_htm32.dll = TX Text Control Filter for HTML Format
tx_rtf32.dll = TX Text Control Filter for Rich Text Format
tx_word.dll = TX Text Control Filter for Word Format
tx32.dll = TX Text Control core component
txflog.dll = Simple Kernel-mode File-based Log
txobj32.dll = TX Text Control OLE container library
txtls32.dll = Tool Bars for TX Text Control
typelib.dll = OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
ucs32p.dll = ColorGear 32bit dll
udhisapi.dll = UPnP Device Host ISAPI Extension
ufat.dll = FAT Utility DLL
uicom.dll = Common UI and utility functions
ulib.dll = DLL de gestion des utilitaires de fichiers
umandlg.dll = UManDlg DLL
umdmxfrm.dll = Unimodem Tranform Module
umpnpmgr.dll = Service mode utilisateur de Plug-and-Play
unimdmat.dll = Mini-pilote AT fournisseur de service Unimodem
uniplat.dll = Unimodem AT Mini Driver Platform Driver for Windows NT
unrar.dll =
untfs.dll = NTFS Utility DLL
upnp.dll = Universal Plug and Play API
upnphost.dll = Hote de peripherique UPnP
upnpui.dll = Moniteur et dossier UPNP Tray
ureg.dll = Registry Utility DLL
url.dll = Raccourci Internet DLL d'extension du shell
urlmon.dll = Extensions OLE32 pour Win32
usbmon.dll = Standard Dynamic Printing Port Monitor DLL
usbui.dll = DLL de l'interface utilisateur USB
user32.dll = DLL client de l'API Utilisateur de Windows XP
userenv.dll = Userenv
usp10.dll = Uniscribe Unicode script processor
usrcntra.dll = 3ccntry
usrcoina.dll = U.S. Robotics modem coinstaller
usrdpa.dll = U.S. Robotics data pump manager
usrdtea.dll = 3cdte
usrfaxa.dll = 3cfax
usrlbva.dll = 3clbv
usrrtosa.dll = 3crtos
usrsdpia.dll = 3csdpi
usrsvpia.dll = 3csvpi
usrv42a.dll = 3cv42
usrv80a.dll = 3cv80
usrvoica.dll = 3cvoice
usrvpa.dll = U.S. Robotics voice pump
utildll.dll = DLL de prise en charge de l'utilitaire WinStation
uxtheme.dll = Bibliotheque de themes Ux Microsoft
vb5db.dll = Visual Basic ICursor Interface Library
vb6fr.dll = Ressources internationales de l'environnement Visual Basic
vb6stkit.dll = Visual Basic Setup Toolkit Library DLL
vbajet32.dll = Visual Basic for Applications Development Environment - Expression Service Loader
vbame.dll = VBA : Middle East Support
vbar332.dll = Visual Basic for Applications Runtime - Expression Service
vboxb410.dll = Vbox Broker 4.1
vboxp410.dll = Vbox Compression 4.1
vboxs.dll = Vbox SDK Client DLL
vboxt410.dll = Vbox Client 4.1
vbscript.dll = Microsoft (r) VBScript
vbsfr.dll = Microsoft (r) VBScript - Ressources internationales
vcdex.dll = 32-bit MSCDEX Virtual Device Driver
vdmdbg.dll = VDMDBG.DLL
vdmredir.dll = Virtual Dos Machine Network Interface Library
ver.dll = Bibliotheques de verification des versions et d'installation de fichiers
verifier.dll = Standard application verifier provider dll
version.dll = Version Checking and File Installation Libraries
vfcodec.dll = ? ??
vfpodbc.dll = vfpodbc
vfwwdm32.dll = Pilote VfW MM pour peripheriques de capture video WDM
vga.dll = VGA 16 Colour Display Driver
vga256.dll = 256 Color VGA\SVGA Display Driver
vga64k.dll = 32K/64K color VGA\SVGA Display Driver
vidx16.dll =
vjoy.dll = 32-bit Joystick Virtual Device Driver
vorbis.dll =
vorbisenc.dll =
vp31vfw.dll = On2_VP3
vsfilter.dll = VobSub & TextSub filter for DirectShow/VirtualDub/Avisynth
vss_ps.dll = Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Service proxy/stub
vssapi.dll = Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Requestor/Writer Services API DLL
vsscodec.dll = VSS Video Codec - Video for Windows driver
vssconf.dll = VSS Video Codec
vsscore.dll = VSS Codec PRO
vwipxspx.dll = Virtual Dos Machine IPX/SPX Interface Library
w32time.dll = Service de temps Windows
w32topl.dll = Windows NT Topology Maintenance Tool
w95inf16.dll = WExtract 16bit Library
w95inf32.dll = W95INF32
wab32.dll = DLL du Carnet d'adresses Microsoft (R)
wab32res.dll = DLL du Carnet d'adresses Microsoft (R)
wavemsp.dll = FSM Wave Microsoft
wdigest.dll = Microsoft Digest Access
webcheck.dll = Controleur de site Web
webclnt.dll = Web DAV Service DLL
webhits.dll = Indexing Service Webhits
webvw.dll = Bibliotheque de contenu et de controle de l'afficheur Web du shell
wiadefui.dll = Interface utilisateur par defaut du scanneur WIA
wiadss.dll = Couche de compatibilite WIA TWAIN
wiascr.dll = WIA Scripting Layer
wiaservc.dll = Service de peripheriques d'images fixes
wiashext.dll = IU du dossier shell des peripheriques d'acquisition d'images
wiavideo.dll = Video WIA
wiavusd.dll = Peripherique WIA de flux de donnees video USD
wifeman.dll = Composant noyau de l'interface Windows WIFE
win32spl.dll = DLL d'API du spouleur 32 bits
win87em.dll =
winbrand.dll = Ressources de personnalisation de Windows
winfax.dll = Microsoft Fax API Support DLL
winhttp.dll = Windows HTTP Services
wininet.dll = Extensions Internet pour Win32
winipsec.dll = Windows IPSec SPD Client DLL
winmm.dll = DLL API MCI
winnls.dll = Windows IME interface core component
winntbbu.dll = DLL des ecrans d'installation de Windows
winrnr.dll = LDAP RnR Provider DLL
winscard.dll = API Microsoft Smart Card
winsock.dll = Windows Socket 16-Bit DLL
winsrv.dll = DLL serveur de Windows
winsta.dll = Winstation Library
winstrm.dll = DLL Streams
wintrust.dll = API Microsoft de verification de la confiance
wkssvc.dll = Workstation Service DLL
wldap32.dll = DLL API LDAP Win32
wlnotify.dll = DLL commune de reception des notifications Winlogon
wmadmod.dll = Corona Windows Media Audio Decoder
wmadmoe.dll = Corona Windows Media Audio 9 Encoder/Transcoder
wmasf.dll = Windows Media ASF DLL
wmdmlog.dll = Windows Media Device Manager Logger
wmdmps.dll = Windows Media Device Manager Proxy Stub
wmerrfra.dll = Services Windows Media Definitions d'erreurs
wmerror.dll = Definitions d'erreurs Windows Media (anglais)
wmi.dll = WMI DC and DP functionality
wmidx.dll = Windows Media Indexer DLL
wmiprop.dll = Co-installateur de la page de proprietes dynamiques du fournisseur WDM
wmiscmgr.dll = Gestionnaire de filtres WMI
wmnetmgr.dll = Windows Media Network Plugin Manager DLL
wmp.dll = Windows Media Player Core
wmpasf.dll = Windows Media Filter Shim
wmpcd.dll = Windows Media Player
wmpcore.dll = Windows Media Player
wmpdxm.dll = Windows Media 6.4 Player Shim
wmploc.dll = Lecteur Windows Media
wmpns.dll = Windows Media Player Applet Support DLL
wmpshell.dll = Lanceur du Lecteur Windows Media
wmpui.dll = Windows Media Player
wmsdmod.dll = Windows Media Screen Decoder
wmsdmoe.dll = Windows Media Screen Encoder DMO
wmsdmoe2.dll = Corona Windows Media Screen Encoder
wmspdmod.dll = Windows Media Speech Decoder
wmspdmoe.dll = Windows Media Speech Encoder
wmstream.dll = Windows Media Streamer DLL
wmv8dmod.dll = Windows Media Video 8 Decoder
wmv8dmoe.dll = Windows Media Video 8 Encoder DMO
wmvcore.dll = Windows Media Playback/Authoring DLL
wmvcore2.dll = Windows Media Playback/Authoring DLL
wmvdmod.dll = Corona Windows Media Video Decoder
wmvdmoe.dll = Windows Media Video Encoder DMO
wmvdmoe2.dll = Corona Windows Media Video Encoder
wnaspi32.dll = ASPI for Win32 (95/NT) DLL
wndtls32.dll = Control Window Management Tool
wnpapi32.dll = wnpapi32
wnvplay1.dll = Videum Video Capture
wow32.dll = Bibliotheque du sous-systeme WOW 32-bits
wowfax.dll = Windows 3.1 Compatible Fax Driver DLL
wowfaxui.dll = DLL de l'interface utilisateur du pilote de fax compatible Windows 3.1
ws2_32.dll = Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL
ws2help.dll = Application d'assistance de Windows Socket 2.0 pour Windows NT
wsecedit.dll = Module interface utilisateur de configuration de securite
wshatm.dll = Windows Sockets Helper DLL
wshcon.dll = Microsoft (r) Windows Script Controller
wshext.dll = Microsoft (r) Shell Extension for Windows Script Host
wshfr.dll = Ressources internationales de Microsoft (r) Windows Script Host
wship6.dll = IPv6 Helper DLL
wshisn.dll = NWLINK2 Socket Helper DLL
wshnetbs.dll = Netbios Windows Sockets Helper DLL
wshrm.dll = Windows Sockets Helper DLL for PGM
wshtcpip.dll = Windows Sockets Helper DLL
wsnmp32.dll = Microsoft WinSNMP v2.0 Manager API
wsock32.dll = DLL Socket 32-bits Windows
wstdecod.dll = WST Decoder Filter
wtsapi32.dll = Windows Terminal Server SDK APIs
wuaueng.dll = Moteur de mises a jour automatique Windows Update
wuauserv.dll = Windows Update AutoUpdate Service
wzcdlg.dll = UI du service de configuration automatique sans fil
wzcsapi.dll = Wireless Zero Configuration service API
wzcsvc.dll = Service configuration automatique sans fil
xactsrv.dll = Downlevel API Server DLL
xaradocg.dll = XaraDoc Module
xenroll.dll = XEnroll
xfontman.dll = XFontMan Module
xolehlp.dll = MS DTC helper APIs DLL
xpob2res.dll = Messages Service Pack 2 OOB
xpsp1res.dll = Messages Service Pack 1
xpsp2res.dll = Messages Service Pack 2
xvid.dll =
zipfldr.dll = Dossiers compresses