' 쿠키 중복 체크
Function CookieDuplicateCheck(tableName, idx)
dim dupliChk
dim c_read_idx
dim i
dupliChk = false
c_read_idx = Request.Cookies("C_TABLE_NAME")("READ")
Response.Cookies("C_TABLE_NAME") = tableName
Response.Cookies("C_TABLE_NAME").Path = "/"
Response.Cookies("C_TABLE_NAME").Expires = date+1
arrRead = split(c_read_idx,",")
for i = 1 to UBound(arrRead)
if CInt(idx) = CInt(Trim(arrRead(i))) then
dupliChk = true
end if
if dupliChk = true then
Response.Cookies("C_TABLE_NAME")("READ") = c_read_idx
Response.Cookies("C_TABLE_NAME")("READ") = c_read_idx & "," & idx
end if
CookieDuplicateCheck = dupliChk
End Function
' 쿠키 중복 체크
Function CookieDuplicateCheck(tableName, idx)
dim dupliChk
dim c_read_idx
dim i
dupliChk = false
c_read_idx = Request.Cookies("C_TABLE_NAME")("READ")
Response.Cookies("C_TABLE_NAME") = tableName
Response.Cookies("C_TABLE_NAME").Path = "/"
Response.Cookies("C_TABLE_NAME").Expires = date+1
arrRead = split(c_read_idx,",")
for i = 1 to UBound(arrRead)
if CInt(idx) = CInt(Trim(arrRead(i))) then
dupliChk = true
end if
if dupliChk = true then
Response.Cookies("C_TABLE_NAME")("READ") = c_read_idx
Response.Cookies("C_TABLE_NAME")("READ") = c_read_idx & "," & idx
end if
CookieDuplicateCheck = dupliChk
End Function
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