Google’s finally unwrapping Conversation Mode – an innovative function of their Translate web app that will allow you and another speaker to talk as it listens in and translates your conversation on the fly. Spanish and English are the only two languages supported to start, and just as we were warned about before, it isn’t the most perfect implementation. That’s fine considering no one else is doing this. The app has also gotten a nice visual overhaul. The updated version can now be found in the Android market. NOTE: This feature is not available for Google Translate’s mobile site.

Google Translate

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Use Google Translate to instantly translate text between more than 50 languages. Featuring: * Dictionary results * Text-to-speech * Voice input * Romanization (e.g. Pinyin, Romaji, etc) * History/star favorite translations Recent changes: * TTS fix for Android 2.2 (Froyo) * Enabled app to be stored on SD card * Additional voice input languages: * Czech * Korean * CJK * Polish * Russian * Turkish... Read More

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