프로필 검색: {google:baseURL}search?q=%s&tbs=prfl:e
포스트 검색: {google:baseURL}search?q=site:plus.google.com inurl:posts/* %s
검색할 때는 크롬 주소창에 (위 예의 경우에) post duraboys라고 입력 후 엔터입니다.


  • Click the "Wrench" menu in Chrome.
  • Click "Preferences"
  • In the "Basics" section, click "Manage Search Engines" in the "Search" section.

  1. In the first box ("Add a new search engine"), type whatever you want. I chose "Google+."
  2. In the second box ("Keyword"), type the word that you will use to call the search engine from the URL bar. In other words, keep it short and simple. I chose "profiles" for the profile search engine and "posts" for the posts search engine.
  3. In the last box ("URL with % in place of query") use the following:

  • For the Profile search engine: {google:baseURL}search?q=%s&tbs=prfl:e
  • For the Posts search engine: {google:baseURL}search?q=site:plus.google.com inurl:posts/* %s
To save the engines, just hit "Enter" (Return) on your keyboard.

Now you can search Google+ from Chrome's address bar. To do so, just type in the engine name you want (e.g. posts or profiles) and hit the spacebar. That will call the engine for use. You can then type in your query and press enter as you would normally when searching Google.

Finally, Google Plus search!

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